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Search results for query: *

  1. MRussell

    Excel Payment Calculation

    Hello. Interesting question about 360 day years. FYI- when I was a temp employee at a bank I discovered that banks work with a 360 Day year, but the employees have 365 days in their work year. Excel's default is the 365 day year and every time I made a payment calculation with Excel's PMT...
  2. MRussell

    Excel......conditional formatting or range

    Hello! If I am understanding the most recent question correctly - here is my solution. In Excel 2000, conditional cell formatting can use a formula as a criteria, AND the formula must return a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. So - the trick (for me anyway) is to write a formula in that...
  3. MRussell

    How to run a Word-Macro from Excel

    IF you are using Office 2000, the command to activate another application from EXCEL 2000 is AppActivate title [,wait]. This works only if the target application is open. Otherwise you will need to open the file and then the AppActivate command will allow you to move between the two...
  4. MRussell

    How to return to FOR (one LOOP)

    Hello. I'm not sure I understand all the details, but it ssems like you need an IF Then command to handle the two different situations - 1) name does exist 2) name does NOT exist. Just after you capture the name in your variable sName put in an IF to check to see if that name exists on the...
  5. MRussell

    Concatenation Issue in Excel Macro

    Hello. If I understood your process correctly -- I have another idea on inserting the row and column at the end of the active range. (This works in Excel 2000 - lower levels might need a tweak) Range("A1").Select Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells _(xlLastCell)).Select...
  6. MRussell

    Need to Delete Rows Automatically

    When I get blank rows in an Excel list I always try to SORT them out instead of deleting. For the list described above - sort by any column that has a blank (and the blank rows will fall to the bottom of the list) and then use the ordering column as the 2nd sort. It would be possible to record...
  7. MRussell

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS and Using variables

    The problem is the "\" in the file NAME! Excel does not allow that. Change the date variables to string variables and use a date format that uses "." instead of "\" and all should be well. I just discovered InputBox and used it in my macro that used dates for...

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