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Search results for query: *

  1. Hungoverhippie

    updating variable with dropdown item selected

    Hello, This seems so simple but I cant figure it out for the life of me, I have a dropdown option list with 1-50 in it and I would like to update a variable named zQty with which number in the dropdown was selected by the user so I can use it when I am ready. Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb...
  2. Hungoverhippie

    Best way to import data into DB from a text file?

    dim temp as string dim tempArray() as string open "c:\mydir\myText.txt" for input as #1 do while eof(1) = false Line Input #1, temp temparray = split(temp,",") loop Hope this helps!!! Hungoverhippie
  3. Hungoverhippie

    SubScript Out Of Range when filling multi-d array

    Glad I could Help maybe you can take a quick look at my question posted called String Help Rephrase see if you can see what I am missing .. :) Thanks Hungoverhippie
  4. Hungoverhippie

    SubScript Out Of Range when filling multi-d array

    arrPayRules(intX, 2) = CStr(rsDailyLabor.Fields("OutTime").Value) '***ERRORS HERE AT (5,2) arrPayRules(intX, 2) where is that array dont you want arrSchedules(intX, 2) instead Hope this helps!! Hungoverhippie
  5. Hungoverhippie

    String Help rephase

    where another example of the same thing i am trying to get working... This fails reading the select statement from file but works if hardcoded Dim cnn2 As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim strng As String Set cnn2 = New ADODB.Connection cnn2.ConnectionString =...
  6. Hungoverhippie

    String Help rephase

    No need to read from a text file for this project. put differently I need to how to make a$=ary(10) equal the liternal statement in that array not the string of it.. Thanks
  7. Hungoverhippie

    String Help rephase

    I need to make a literal out of a string. Example: *'Textfile Data reads as follows rst1.fields("test1") rst1.fields("test2") dim ary(2) open "c:\mydir\testfile.txt" for input as #1 for x=1 to 2 line Input #1, ary(x) Next x close #1 'all my ado connection stuff...
  8. Hungoverhippie

    String Help

    Ok theres got to be away to do this, reading from a text File and the lines read rst1.fields("test") rst1.fields("test2") I read these into an array then I do my select statement and Open from my sql database no problem but then how can i assign from my recordset that is...
  9. Hungoverhippie

    Jet Database Driver and VB6 problems

    try putting a DoEvents in right after you write the record then do your requery.. if that doesnt do it would have to see the code Hungoverhippie
  10. Hungoverhippie

    Formatting output in a label

    Label1 = Format(a$, "$0.#0") if they are all under 1 this will work.. hope this helps!! Hungoverhippie
  11. Hungoverhippie

    autoload references

    Is there a way in Excel VBA to add the references I need loaded on the fly. I have done a few excel macros that talk to my sql databases but everytime I give it to someone I have to go load all the references by hand that the macro needs before it will run for them.. Sorry may be a simple...

Part and Inventory Search
