Using this technic I can't display strings wider than 260 characters, and modifying pDispInfo->item.cchTextMax has no influence.
Does anybody has a solution or a clue ?
...combobox set to DROPDOWN, I can not capture the event if the focus is hold by the combobox, code like this:
BOOL CMyDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN )
if( (pMsg->hwnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FIND)->m_hWnd)
I want to make an edit control like the edit box of the excel which is at the tools bar . when input words are longer than the length of the line ,it can resize the edit box , how can I do it?
My server application use Multicast to make broadcast, so My client application that run at win2k can know which server is running anytime. the server application run at Host A is not list in the running server list , the client application can find server application run at other hosts,just...
I have some redhat7.3 servers in my lan.
Host A, B......
When I run "ping" from Host B, Host A donot give an answer, but When I run "ping" at host A, Host A and B give an answer too.
it seems A is not in the all-hosts group.
any idea?
My Server is Freebsd4.3 , and I can telnet from my client to my server , the question is the telnetd seems have I idle time set , so after a lot of time with idle , the client will be logouted. Can I unset it?
Thanks in advance
I want to design my interface of my windows program which should have listbox , main dialog , editbox ,is it the best choose to use visio to do it ? I have visio 2000 , where can I find some sample of "windows interface".
I am using the free sample "Grid List Control" from Rexyer.
I found it from free source site :
It can just do what I want , and worked fine. but I found if I input some japanese string to the editbox and if the... bar,
the main dialog can not be viewed completely except I
make the TestDlg minimum size . how can I view the
main dialog completely without making the TestDlg minimum
My code is
TestDlg *m_pmodeless = new TestDlg(this);
I want to get the content Line by line from a CRichEditCtrl variable, but something seems wrong. Using this code I can got successly from a CEdit , what is different from CEdit and CRichEditCtrl??
m_sNyme = "";
for ( iLine = 0;iLine < m_Edit_Nym.GetLineCount();iLine++){
iIndex =...
I use
TestDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
to delete the enter accept in my dialog,
How I can use "enter" in my other control
of the dialog.
I use multiline CEdit as an editor , but I found when I input letter more than 1024, it wraped column auto. how can view my line as a line even more than 1024.
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