Freestone, edfair, BigBadBen... thanks for all the comments. I'll let my friend decide as it's his data. More than likely I'll let his wife borrow my laptop till he returns (another month) and let him deal with his data. We're military and he's deployed, his wife uses the comp for Skype and...
You are right it is XP.
Thanks for the info.
1 question though, if Windows XP is loaded on that harddrive, can I install it as a slave drive and pull the files from it? This way I can drop the files on my computer, reformat his harddrive... reload XP and transfer the files back.
Long story short, I'm fixing a comp for a friend... troubleshooting told me his motherboard needed replacing so we got a new motherboard and on bootup I get the dreaded missing or corrupt HAL.dll. Now after researching this error I found that it is usually a problem with dealing with dual boot...
Reason I used 30 - 1 + 1 is because Microsoft Access Help said to use:
Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
I just filled in the blanks. I didn't quite understand it, I just used it and then looked at the result. Didn't understand how to fix it so I asked.
As for your...
Thanks for responding so quickly. You were right I meant 20. The code you gave is great, it solved the duplicate issue... well kinda. It does give 20 numbers 1-30 and none duplicate. But if I run it 20 times it gives me the same 20 numbers. Is there a way to make it give me 20...
...put them in a string joined by ",". I'm using the code:
Dim x, y
x = 1
y = ""
Do Until x = 31
y = y & Int((30 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1) & ","
x = x + 1
y = Left(y, Len(y) - 1)
'example result...
You are awesome man... worked like a charm. The WHERE clause ended up as
WHERE Btbl.BID In (23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)
I didn't know you could do it that way... thanks for the tip.
Not sure if this would fix anything, don't have time to really check this code... but I did notice something wrong with your parenthesis.
Copied from you post
Follow the colors
str_Where = str_Where & " AND ((tbl_Listings.End_Date)>=# " _
& Me.combo_Report_Start_Date & "# AND...
Ok, I have a listbox called BLIST (stands for Buildings List). It is set to multi-select and I want for users to be able to choose multiple buildings from this listbox and then click a status button. Either 'Inhabited' or 'Uninhabited'. Then I wanted to apply the new status to the recordset...
I kinda have to... as I stated before I got an error when I tried to assign .rowsource to the graph in the ReportHeader_Format() Event, it wouldn't allow assigning that value while the Report was printing.
Ok, I can do that. But it won't change anything else...the report close event still gets...
Yeah my general question here was why my Report_Close event would be processing because of the graphs or is there any general correlation to using multiple graphs (as I have) to making the Report_Close event process. But in case it does help. Here's the other info:
Main Form -...
Yeah I tried that... and when it comes to making them visible again on the Report_Close() event it would only make one of the forms visible.
So in order to fix that I transferred the reports query info from one form (the one that opens the report) to another non-modal form (program...
Go to the query that is generating your report. View it in design mode. From the menu click View--> Properties. Change Unique Values to 'Yes'. See what that does.
(Short Story)
I have put code in the Report_Close() Event. It is supposed to open Modal forms I had to close in order for the Report to gain focus once opened (which still doesn't work). Anyway, I can tell this code is being processed multiple times while the report is being opened as if the...
Throw in this code to clear the checkbox from view... but the deadspace won't be removed.
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox Then
With ctrl...
Thanks for answering so quickly... Opt 3 works now, and Opt 2 doesn't give me the error... but it doesn't give me any records either. Have any clue why. I'm testing it clicking on January which means
"Month([DATEX]) = " & MONTHOPT.value,
Month([DATEX]) = 1
Now, I have records for...
I'm trying to filter a report based on the month of a date. In the table the field [DATEX] is a Medium Date format and on my form the field MONTHOPT is a 2 column value type dropdown box listing the months by name and month value. (January;1;February;2;March;3...etc.,)--Bound Column: 2 for the...
Wow... that's awesome, didn't know about that function (obviously)[2thumbsup]. Like I said, I pulled that code from this website years ago when I first registered. Been using it ever since. Guess it's time to replace it. Thanks again!
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