can you help me a script that converts the result?
I'm write this script, but when in the backup command there is a dot dont work:
nsradmin -i reportcc|grep nsrnmo|sed -e 's/backup command: //g'|sed -e 's/ //g'|sed -e 's/;//g'>>/tmp/listansrnmo
for t in `cat /tmp/listansrnmo`
I don't see anything.
Only running the following command i can see something:
nsradmin -i query | sed '/^$/ d' | sed 's/ *retention policy: //g' | sed 's/ *group: //g' | sed 's/ *save set: //g' | tr \\n \\t
If i add "sed 's/ *name: //'" into the script i can't obtain any output
nsradmin -i query | sed 's/ *retention policy: //g' | sed 's/ *group: //g' | sed 's/ *save set: //g' | tr \\n \\t
more query
show name;group;retention policy;save set
p type: NSR client;
With this script i see list of client, save sets, retention and groups
nsradmin -i query | sed 's/...
With nsradmin i can print a configuration not in tabular mode, such as:
name: bc2;
retention policy: Week;
group: BC_7g;
save set: All;
name: bc3;
retention policy: Year...
Please, what is the mean of the following message?
--- Unsuccessful Save Sets ---
* 1575-telprx002rm001:C:\ save: RPC error: Unable to send
* 1575-telprx002rm001:C:\ save: RPC error: Unable to send
* 1575-telprx002rm001:C:\ save: shutdown failed
How can i solve this situation?
Thank's you
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