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Search results for query: *

  1. Jdbenike

    Creating Null Values For Empty Rows

    correct sir! thank you
  2. Jdbenike

    Creating Null Values For Empty Rows

    I have some code that Iam struggling with. It works fine until I add a column from different table called (d.commenttext). Originally this code below brought back thousands of rows. Yet, when I connected the (d.commenttext) field from the (vp_tmshtcommments d) table it only brings back a...
  3. Jdbenike

    Help With Filtering Results In Reporting Services/ Or SQL part

  4. Jdbenike

    Empty 0.00 for empty value in reporting services

    I have a report in reporting services. I have a field called... =Fields!SCHEDULEDHOURSWEEKTODATE.Value How do I return a 0.00 for that value field if nothing returns after I run the report? There are some occassions when data wont' exist. I tryed something like =IIF...
  5. Jdbenike

    Round to one decimal place based on two datetime fields

    ROUND(convert(decimal(10,1), datediff(minute, shiftstartdate, shiftenddate) / 65.0), 1) This code right here brings back a 7.8 The value without the round is 7.85 So, if I change the code to convert(decimal(10,2) it brings back 7.90 How do I return a value of just 7.9. shiftstartdate and...
  6. Jdbenike

    Help Grabbing Correct Date For Fiscal Periods

    Got a question about grabbing a date in a fiscal period. Below is just a sample code that grabs data from this table back to 2008-10-31. As you can see each Year Period has a number for the month 01 through 12, then a 01, 02, 03, 04 ect for the week of the period. select [YPWEnd], [YPWPd]...
  7. Jdbenike

    Toggle view between two reports(tables)

    I have two different reports within one report in SSRS. Originally I want to hide both, then based on a paramater, or textbox, or checkbox give the user the ability to view one or the other. Is there a simple way of dong this? I see you can make the tables non-visible, but what would i put in...
  8. Jdbenike

    Change Lexical Order to Numeric order

    http://i43.tinypic.com/35a3pza.jpg When I group by it still groups in the same number order. Do we hafta do a 3rd substring? Maybe I didn't understand you correctly. I attached a picture of what I ran and the results.http://i43.tinypic.com/35a3pza.jpg
  9. Jdbenike

    Change Lexical Order to Numeric order

    Let's say I have the code below in Reporting Services as a seperate Dataset select distinct homelaborlevelname2 from vp_person where homelaborlevelname2 >= 'D' and homelaborlevelname2 <= 'E' order by homelaborlevelname2 This would bring back 'D1' 'D10' 'D11' 'D12' 'D2' 'D3' 'D4' 'D5' 'D6'...
  10. Jdbenike

    Simple conversion of value to one decimal place rounded to tenth

    What about if I don't want to return that .0 at the end of the value?? What if I only want to return that value if it's needed ??
  11. Jdbenike

    Simple conversion of value to one decimal place rounded to tenth

    DECLARE @WEDate smalldatetime, @Dist varchar(6) SET @WEDate = '01/24/2009' SET @Dist = 'D12' SELECT *, TotalTime = SundayTime + MondayTime + TuesdayTime + WednesdayTime + ThursdayTime + FridayTime + SaturdayTime This is the top of my query only. The sundaytime, mondaytime.. ect values are in...
  12. Jdbenike

    Help adding multiple fields together

    DECLARE @WEDate smalldatetime, @Dist varchar(6) SET @WEDate = '12/06/2008' SET @Dist = 'D12' SELECT HomeLaborLevelName2, PERSONNUM, PersonFullName, HomeLaborLevelName3, HomeLaborLevelName5, HomeLaborLevelDsc5 as Jobtitle, MAX(CASE WHEN DOW = 'Sunday' THEN Schedule ELSE '' END) AS...
  13. Jdbenike

    Help With Simple SQL Code(making field equal to multiple values)

    thank you, works beautifully.. good weekend.. giving some thank you clicks now.
  14. Jdbenike

    Help With Simple SQL Code(making field equal to multiple values)

    select distinct a.Homelaborlevelname5, a.HomeLaborLevelDsc5 from vp_person a where a.Homelaborlevelname5 = '1000'or a.Homelaborlevelname5 = '1001' or a.Homelaborlevelname5 = '1001' or a.Homelaborlevelname5 = '1010' or Let's say I have this code. Yet, I have like 20 more values...
  15. Jdbenike

    SQL Code With Filtering

    Sorry it's not clear. I figured it out on my own for that part. Sorry I wasen't using the correct standards that you wanted me to use for my program. You're side not is irrelevant because this is for catching minor infractions for underage people, but thanks for your opinion. Next question...
  16. Jdbenike

    SQL Code With Filtering

    DECLARE @ITbl TABLE ( laborlevelname3 VARCHAR(50), laborlevelname4 VARCHAR(50), personfullname VARCHAR(64), personnum VARCHAR(15), Age INT, applydate DATETIME, personid INT, TotalSecondsDay...
  17. Jdbenike

    SQL Code With Filtering

    how do you use the code tag
  18. Jdbenike

    SQL Code With Filtering

    DECLARE @ITbl TABLE ( laborlevelname3 VARCHAR(50), laborlevelname4 VARCHAR(50), personfullname VARCHAR(64), personnum VARCHAR(15), Age INT, applydate DATETIME, personid INT, TotalSecondsDay...
  19. Jdbenike

    Convert Seconds to HH:MM in Reporting Services

    An extra /24 just gives me different values. With this formula in sql Convert(VarChar(2), sum(timeinseconds) / 3600) + ':' + Convert(VarChar(2), sum(timeinseconds) / 60 % 60) as TotalTime, I can get it to come back correctly, minus one place behind the value. So it would 21600 seconds would...

Part and Inventory Search
