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Search results for query: *

  1. TommyB44

    Strings (find, check, replace)

    it should also be "string.split(" ");
  2. TommyB44

    Strings (find, check, replace)

    I noticed the string = document.getElementById("input").value; after I posted it. I changed it to "input", "output" to try and help show that I was converting one input to another output, I'd never normally use them as ID's or Name's, The original string was taken and from...
  3. TommyB44

    Bold Text

    So the source shows <b>....</b> ?.
  4. TommyB44

    Strings (find, check, replace)

    What I've tried so far with the html that might give you more of an idea. I haven't got it to work yet, I'm probably doing loads of things wrong, I don't mind people telling me what they are, it's the only way I'll learn. <script> function callcon(){ document.getElementById("input").value =...
  5. TommyB44

    Strings (find, check, replace)

    Thanks Lee, Would I need to add " string = string.split(" "); " to check every word in the sentence, or is there a better way.?
  6. TommyB44

    Strings (find, check, replace)

    Hi All, I'd like to check a sentence for an url and if found switch(replace) it to the appropriate HTML To give you more of an idea something like this.. //if the start of the string equals "http" or "www" if(string=='http:'||'www.') //then check the end of the string case 'gif':case...
  7. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    I see it should have been <form id="fsend".... Thanks Kaht.
  8. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    Yep, that worked in both IE and FireFox, Thanks.
  9. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    actually, it doesn't clear in firefox, Shame, still one step closer.
  10. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    O.K, for anyone else that might get the same problem, I added the following code to the iframe src page (messages.asp). <script> var t = parent.document.getElementById('fsend'); t.msg.value=""; </script> should be cross browser ?... anyway, thanks theniteowl, I probably wouldn't even of...
  11. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    Good point theniteowl I'll try that.
  12. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    Because the page doesn't refresh and only changes the messages.asp, without the clear function the message the user types into the message input box stays where it is, I don't mind the value of the name input box staying where it is, but the value of the message input box needs emptying, but...
  13. TommyB44

    JS for adding number in text boxes and displaying a total

    If you click the "Download This Page" link at the bottom of the page you'll be able to download the code in a zip file, failing that right click the page and select "view source", you'll need to make quite a few changes to get it to do what you want it do.
  14. TommyB44

    JS for adding number in text boxes and displaying a total

    It's possible, You need the onChange event. click: http://www.websorcerer.com/h12/h12.html
  15. TommyB44

    Clear *After* Submit ?

    Hi All, the following code is clearing my form before it submits not after how do i fix this ? <iframe src="messages.asp" height="75%" width="100%" frameborder="0" name="view"></iframe> <br> <div align="left"> <FORM name="fsend" METHOD="Post" ACTION="messages.asp" target="view"> <b> Name...
  16. TommyB44

    Making the sub-options hide when making a css dropdown menu

    Thats if they have ID's eg <div ID="li">test1</div> else, use <style> #nav,li,ul{ display: none; } </style> If they're <li>test <ul>test2
  17. TommyB44

    Making the sub-options hide when making a css dropdown menu

    <style> #nav,#li,#ul{ display: none; } </style> -->how can you make the hover state of one thing affect something else? <a href="#" onmouseover="callfunction();">test</a> Look at http://www.pageresource.com/jscript/jmouse.htm
  18. TommyB44

    How can you colour the link text

    inline <a href="links.html" target="mainwindow" style="color:yellow">Links</a>
  19. TommyB44

    Split in a Split

    That should probably be: Document.write(a(i) & "<tr>") I've been using it in asp lately.
  20. TommyB44

    Split in a Split

    Hi All, So far I have: dim addresses dim a 'List of names and addreses, (#FirstName~LastName~HouseNumber~StreetName~PhoneNumber), more to 'add. addresses="#Stephen~Thomas~61~Rasemary Hill RD~(0121)225888#Mark~Davis~34~Lovatt Close~(07900)321049" a=split(addresses,"#") for i=0 to UBound(a)...

Part and Inventory Search
