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Search results for query: *

  1. Muzzery

    formating a vba userform textbox

    Try this for the on Exit command of the Text Box: If Len(Me.TextBox) <> 12 Then MsgBox &quot;The value must be 12 characters long&quot; Me.TextBox.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf IsNumeric(Left(4, Me.TextBox)) Then MsgBox &quot;The first 4 characters must be letters&quot...
  2. Muzzery

    How do I close a running program?

    Hi, I'm having a similar prolem to this, i need to close IE, with Word embeded into it. I am using the command: WM_CLOSE with the PostMessage command, but the trouble is that it will ask me if i want to save any changes that have been made to the document, which i need to stop. Is there a way...
  3. Muzzery

    Creating a DLL for system wide hooks

    Thanks for the reply. I think i understand how to set the System-Wide hook, but you could you clarify what it is i have to do to write a DLL, and how to do it? I have VB5 which i know i can use, but i have no idea how to write it. Thanks muzz
  4. Muzzery

    pulling records off combo field

    You could use Wildcards (*) to do the trick, but i'm unaware as to how you are returning the values, so i'm not sure if it will work.
  5. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    Thanks for the reply, the first bit of code doesn't work i'm afraid, but i looked at the link in your second post, and i used this code: Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib &quot;user32&quot; _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long Declare Function OpenProcess Lib...
  6. Muzzery

    Word auto macros

    What about AutoOpen?
  7. Muzzery

    Creating a DLL for system wide hooks

    Can anybody tell me how to create a DLL file for a System Wide hook please? I have no idea how it's done. Thanks, muzz :)
  8. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    Yeah, i get this message again: Run-Time Error: '4605': This method or property is not available becuase this docuemnt is in another application Can anybody tell me how i would create a DLL file to Hook into Windows? thanks muzz
  9. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    Can anybody help at all? So far i have the following code, but i need to create a DLL file to get the reference for the System WIde Hook. Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib &quot;kernel32&quot; Alias &quot;LoadLibraryA&quot; _ (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long...
  10. Muzzery

    Linking Access and Outlook

    Have a look at this http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/ it will allow you to use Outlook to send e-mails, and it even goes round the new Security issues in Outlook.
  11. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    OK, i now think that i need to use a &quot;System Wide Hook&quot; which seems more complicated, does anybody know how to impliment this? thanks muzz
  12. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    Thanks for the idea, but unfortunatly it doesn;t work. I get this error: Run-Time Error: '4605': This method or property is not available becuase this docuemnt is in another application That is the same error i get for the Application.Quit SaveChanges:=False (But not the...
  13. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    I have a Word Document on a website that is opened up through IE, that is to say that you have all the standard functions of Word, but within IE. The user can then modify the document, but they need to save it back up to the FTP site that it came from. We don't want to give out the FTP User...
  14. Muzzery

    msgbox function

    Try this code for getting the code to Wait, it's just a timer that waite for 5 seconds, then carrys on the code. Private Sub Wait_Click() Dim tTarget As Date tTarget = Timer + 5 Do Until Timer > tTarget Loop MsgBox &quot;5 Seconds up&quot; End Sub
  15. Muzzery

    Anyone who knows anything about &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking&quot;

    Can any one give me any information on &quot;Sub-classing&quot; and &quot;Hooking,&quot; and how to use them at all? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks muzz
  16. Muzzery

    Copy file

    No problem, i've done the same thing my self! I found it by putting a break point in, and hovering the mouse over the variables, it said it was &quot;Null&quot; so i checked the code, and noticed it.
  17. Muzzery

    Limit Text Box to only accept numbers

    You could try using the On Key Press command to check if the key pressed is a numeric key or not, like this: If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox1) Then 'code to delete the Text entry End If but i've had problems with this, as editing the Field highlights the entire entry which means that every time...
  18. Muzzery

    Reading in multiple files

    Look up FileSystemObject in VBA help, and Dir. Here's an example Dir routine: ' Display the names in C:\ that represent directories. MyPath = &quot;c:\&quot; ' Set the path. MyName = Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory) ' Retrieve the first entry. Do While MyName <> &quot;&quot; ' Start the loop...
  19. Muzzery

    Copy file

    Also, you need to have a \ after dfol = &quot;C:\SystemServices&quot; to make it dfol = &quot;C:\SystemServices\&quot; otherwise you'll get a &quot;Permission Denied&quot; error
  20. Muzzery

    Copy file

    You've called the Variables incorrectly. dfol <> dfo1 use l instead of 1

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