Hi, I have a dialog-based MFC application, which compiles w/out error, but yields an unhandled exception in C:\...\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP when i try to run it, as shown in the code below. What could be the reason for this? How do i correct it?
HWND hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, nID);
if (hWnd !=...
>>Thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate it. B4 I saw Salem's post, I'd already implemented this formulation, which runs consistently with Excel/hand calculations for the matrix multiplication.<<
My next implementation was created b4 i saw your post. i was in the process of posting that...
That was a typo. PI wasn't my problem anyway...and frankly, i don't need such high accuracy for PI...
double PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197; is not necessary for me. but thanks for pointing it out.
New Problem: Now I'm doing the multiplication, where I'm trying to multiply the arrays in this order:
what am i doing wrong? all my values in the final range array, fr_array are all zero, which shouldn't be the case...
Here's the code.
// Q2_new.cpp...
math.h does contain sin() and cos(); and when you do a random check, say cout<<a(p);, i actually get the correct value. but the correct values are not turning up in my arrays. Please check and see. Why is this?
Hi, the ffg code gave the ffg 2 errors:'ei':cannot convert parameter 1 from double to double[] on both lines * and ** in the code below:
#include <math>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Thanks, timmay3141 and globos; I eventually wrote the integral thus, but have a problem calling it:
double* function(double *p,double *func,int nSize,CKuchukDlg *pDialog);
void qgaus(double *ans, int nSize, CKuchukDlg *pDialog)
enum{nSize = 6};
//elements of the integral
double xr,xm,dx...
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