That works I think
But I dont want to set the ProductID to a query I want to equal to a textbox.
So once I go to the next page I want the ProductID to show up in the textbox
I am trying to pass the value from CRN field to the Evaluation_Form_Detail page. I'm able to create a link to the page but not sure how I can get the CRN value over to the page once I click it.
Any help would be appreciated
my code
<td align="center"><a...
I have a table that a recordset populates when I run my query.
I want to click a value from the cell in a table.
Then pass the value I click to another page. Can this be done.
If so, does anyone have a sample code or an example
I do not want to use any frames. Is there another way to do this?
I think you could test if there is a connection to the URL or the sever? If there is no connection then redirect to another page?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated
I have a link that links to another web server page. If the web server that I'm trying to link to is down
then I would like to show a page that tells the client the server is down for maintenence.
Can this be down
I have a link that goes to another webserver or page.
I want to create a redirect if I cannot get to that server from my link.
If there is not connection to the page (server) then display my custome page. Or redirect it to my custome page if the page cannot be displayed
can this be done?
When I run my script I call the xcacls.exe program.
this sets permissions on files that I create.
When the program is ran, I always get:
The publisher could not be verified! Are you sure you want to run this sofware!
and of course I want to run it. But I want this to happen automatic without...
I would like to setup a counter on my website
I want to display the number of people that have accessed my website.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance
for some reason its not setting the permissions when I run the code. it create the folder but not the permissions
sFolder = "\\wider\Home\" & sUser
'Change to where you have xcacls
sXpath = "\\wider\Resource Kit\xcacls.exe"
If Not fs.FolderExists(sFolder) Then
Can you show me how this is done. Do you have a sample?
Also will this still show the map drive correctly when the user logs on.
I have seen some samples but I' not sure when the folders are created with the right permissions. Would the map drive show up correct when they log on?
any help...
Ok I did this but it does not create the folder. I tried loggin off and then log back on to see if it would create the folder but it DOES NOT.
Is there some way to apply the settings for the folder
I can go to the LDAP and retype the folder name and then apply it, then it creates the folder...
I have a folder that I want to set permissions to.
here is the code to create the folder
how do I set the permissions. so the user: (lintow12) has right to it?
Set wn = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws =...
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