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Search results for query: *

  1. krsherm

    serially incrementing INSERT statement...

    Hello all. Does anyone know if there is a way to insert multiple serial values into a table executing only one INSERT statement? Is it possible to insert the values 1 through 10 into a table, or must this be done in a do loop construct? For I would like to be able to add a variable number of...
  2. krsherm

    code problem - dbs.openrecordset(strSQL)..

    Your strSQL looks questionable. My recommendation would be to put a stop statement after you set the value of strSQL. That will cause the code to stop before it tries to open the rst. Once you are stopped, type ?strSQL into the immediate window and it will print out (to the immediate window) the...
  3. krsherm

    Requry of a form onTimer makes the text blink

    You can tell Access not to refresh the screen while the form is requerying. That will keep the screen from flickering. To do so, try this code snippet: Application.Echo = False 'turn off screen updating Forms!myForm.Requery 'Requery the form Application.Echo = True 'turn screen updating back...
  4. krsherm

    Problem with AllowAdditions Property

    vfisher, I think you're reading too fast. There are three native recordset types that Access will allow as the basis of your forms: 1. Dynaset 2. Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates) 3. Snapshot Before we move on, try option 2 and see if it works. Please let me know... if not we'll code. Kevin
  5. krsherm

    Problem with AllowAdditions Property

    Before we get into the coding necessary to do this, why don't you first try the following: In the form's properties dialog, set Recordset Type to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates). Let me know if that works. As always, ROCK ON! Kevin
  6. krsherm

    Problem with AllowAdditions Property

    Why do you have so many joining elements, when you are only joining 3 tables? Do you have relationships defined between the three tables, with a PrimaryKey/Foreign Key in each? My guess is that if you properly define your relationships, you should be able to create an updateable recordsource...
  7. krsherm

    Timer Interval Property

    I haven't verifed your statement regarding the max value of an A297 Timer Interval... but I believe you. I found the following code on Microsoft's web site showing how to compact a database everyday at midnight. By the comments in their own code, they acknowledge that this code will run once...
  8. krsherm

    Problem with AllowAdditions Property

    Some recordsets (the source of the data that is on your form) are not updateable... and therefore cannot be edited (or added to) REGARDLESS of the settings in your form properties. Why don't you take the recordset and run it as a query, and see if you can update the records in the query (or add...
  9. krsherm

    Timer Interval Property

    What are you setting the timer interval to? Please note that it is in milliseconds, so for one hour, you would need to put in: 3,600,000 (60 secs * 60 minutes * 1000 milliseconds). My app (Access2k) will allow a timer interval that is set that high. Give us more info so we can better diagnose...
  10. krsherm

    Navigation button event

    Use the On_Current Event of the subform... it will let you know when a user has moved to a different record. In the On_Current Event, you can set the focus to a control on the main form. Assuming that your parent form is named frmParent, and the control you want to set focus to is txtOrderNumber...
  11. krsherm

    cont'd. How to save a user response,

    nabiS2k, If I may, I think you would be better off with using SQL rather than a recordset... I've taken the liberty of modifying your code: Dim strSQL as String If intReply = vbYes Then Response = acDataErrAdded strSQL = "INSERT INTO MyTable(MyFieldName) " _ &...
  12. krsherm

    Hiding the Properties Dialog Window

    It's a new feature that speeds development but can be a real pain in production if you forget to switch it off... Kevin
  13. krsherm

    Loop locking up comp....

    Snayjay, I'm a Marine, so of course I chuckled when I saw TSgt! Anyway, without getting too deep into your code, I found the reason that you are locking up your system... you've made it impossible to exit the loop! You need to do your Recordset.MoveFirst PRIOR to entering the loop. Your...
  14. krsherm

    Open Outlook from a text box

    In the On_Click event of the text box (which I have named txtEmailAddress) , enter the following code: Call CreateOLMainItem (Me.txtEmailAddress, "", "") (Please note that my this code allows you to pass more than just an email address... you can also pass, a subject line...
  15. krsherm

    Prevent Sub-forms and Graphs to run automatically when I open a Form

    Presumedly, each of these subforms is on a tab control (if not, you can modify to suit your needs). I have a similar situation wherein I have about a dozen pages on a tab control, and each page has a subform and/or graph. Since the typical user may not view any of the tabs (she may only want to...
  16. krsherm

    Display Current Record On Form

    buee04, Please note that the Current Record Number is not a meaningful number... it is only relative. That is, it only identifies the relative position that the record occupies. Imagine a table (tblCustomers) with only one field (CustomerName). If you have only two records in the table: ABC...
  17. krsherm

    Do... Loop Issues

    Lisa, I think you're reaching here. Give me the structure of tblAccounts and tblStrings (including their relationships) as well as an exact explanation of what you are trying to do, and I'll help you write the code. It looks like you are making things more difficult than they need to be... I...
  18. krsherm

    Hiding the Properties Dialog Window

    In the "Other" tab of the properties box, set "Allow Design Changes" equal to "Design View Only". You can only do this in the property dialog for the FORM, not any control on the form. You must select the form's properties. If you aren't sure how to do that...
  19. krsherm

    Refeshing Data in a Parent-Child Subform.

    Requery the parent form, and it will automaticall requery all children. Assume the main form is named "frmMain"... use this code: Forms!frmMain.Requery Hope that helps... Rock ON! Kevin
  20. krsherm

    Catastrophic Slow Down when more than ONE USER

    Waldemar, This is just Access being Access. You aren't doing anything wrong. We have about a dozen users using our mdb BE/FE project, and there is no significant degredation of speed over the LAN regardless of the number of users connected. That ALL changes when someone needs to relink their...

Part and Inventory Search
