Is there a formula that I can write that will group {CLNTCUS.~Custom3} and {CLNTCUS.~Custom21}to look for the same employee in each field regardless if I select "Salesperson 1" or "Salesperson 2"
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, I did allow multiple values in my Salesperson parameter. Yes, it is two separte formals that are placed in my record selection detail.
I think I actually need it to select based on the Employee field and if that employee appears in {CLNTCUS.~Custom21}or {CLNTCUS.~Custom3}.
Is there a...
I have the following two selection record formulas
if {?Salesperson}= "Salesperson 1" then
{CLNTCUS.~Custom3} = {?Employee} and
{@DatesRemaining} < 13.00 and
{AR.InvoiceDate} = {?Invoice Date} and
{AR.Type} = "I" else
if {?Salesperson}="Salesperson 2" then
{CLNTCUS.~Custom21} = {?Employee} and...
if {?Salesperson} = "Salesperson 1" then {CLNTCUS.~Custom20}else
if {?Salesperson} = "Salesperson 2" then {CLNTCUS.~Custom22}
What does the error "The formula result must be a string" mean in reference to the above formula that I am trying to enter in the display spring for a field
I have the correct commissions, my problem is the way i have my formulas calculated they feed off of a Group to separate the Salesperson {CLNTCUS.~Custom3}) (for salesperson 1) and {CLNTCUS.~Custom21}) (for salesperson 2)
--formula used to calculate the correct commission per salesperson 1...
Sorry...that is way above my level of Crystal. I am using version 8.5 and it is connecting to a CCH (Advantage)database that is pulling this data. At this point, I feel it may be something I have to outsource or use two reports to get my results. Thanks for all your help over time, and for...
How do i use Group Selection to get a combination of two fields,
CLNTCUS.~Custom3 - which represents Salesperson 1 and
CLNTCUS.~Custom21 -which represents Salesperson 2
each sales person can appear on one invoice but have to split the commission on the total invoice amount. Right now my...
It worked but when it came to totatling my amounts the group header was giving me problems so I scraped that and used various if then formulas based on the selection criteria. If you feel I should not have started another post, how can I delete threads to eliminate the problem?
Is there a way to use a record selection prameters to select a detail section.
For example, I am working on a commission report, that shows the following details:
Invoice Date
Client Name
Invoice #
Invoice Amt
Commission Rate {CLNTCUS.~Custom20}
Commission Amount (this is a...
I'm working on a salesperson commission report. I have details about invoices, commission amount by salesperson and commission amount earned by salesperson. There are two groups - {CLNTCUS.~Custom3} is group 1 (represent Salesperson1) and {CLNTCUS.~Custom21}is group 2 (represent Salesperson2)...
The ID for the second Salesperson is
{CLNTCUS.~Custom21} DJM
I put that ID in the Second group heading...just so I can see when it pick up...
The fields that I am placing in detail a is {CLNTCUS.~Custom21} .35 (Salesperson 1 commision rate)
{@commision} $52.50 (salesperson 1 formula)
I tried to supress but did not get the resuls needed.
I have a commission report built and it works great, but now I have discovered that sometimes the Salespeople share deals and they need to be split between them. Each salesperson has a custom field {CLNTCUS.~Custom3}
and {CLNTCUS.~Custom21}...
I have a report that gives me the commisions on a salesperson. I use the following Selection formula:
{CLNTCUS.~Custom3} = {?Employee} and
{@DatesRemaining} < 13.00 and
{AR.InvoiceDate} = {?Invoice Date} and
{AR.Type} = "I"
I want to add a second salesperson field {CLNTCUS.~Custom21) and...
This one may be a bit hard to explain.
I created a commission report that shows the Salesperson 1 and the following information: Invoice Date/Aged Months/Client Name/Invoice #/Invoice Amount/Commission Rate/ Commission Amount
This report works fine. Now I have added a Salesperson 2 and want...
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