thanks for the reply. sorry for the confusion. I was in the rush when typing the message.
I'd like to find out the difference between VC.NET and Visual C++. I have consulted many people about this. Some of them told me that VC.NET is the high level version of VC++. Is that true?? What are its...
Can anyone please tell me what is the difference between Visual C++.NET and Visual C, Visual C++. What are their main application, for .NET and C#. Please, help!
...dynamic_cast, down_cast, up_cast and static_cast in details?
What is the difference between both?
Handle<Table> result = dynamic_cast(Table *, input));
Table* result = dynamic_cast(Table*, input);
I am sorry for asking too many questions at one time. I tried to read the VC++ books and...
...| ios::nocreate);
... The compilation up to this stage does not give any problem.
However, when I start to use this:
if (!VirtualTable::Load(*stream)) {
Message::Error("Unable to open ");
return NULL;
I got this error:
D:\Test\MainFrm.cpp(196) : error C2100: illegal...
Hi qednick,
thank you for your reply. What i mean is that I still cant work it out how to store my CXGridDoc as a blank template and then use CCommandLineInfo to open that template instead of creating a new document. Sorry for my knowledge in Visual C++. I am a new programmer who has no idea...
Hi GedNick,
It still does not work but I will try what you have suggested me. Thank you for your time and help. I deeply appreciate that.
best regards,
I have a problem. If the function is only taking ifstream, e.g.
VirtualTable::Load(ifstream &stream) {......
what kind of values I should supply? Let's say, my data is in class CDatabase? I got this error:
D:\Test\MainFrm.cpp(182) : error C2664: 'Load' : cannot convert parameter 1...
Hi qednick,
Thanks very much. I can open a document after double clicking on the tree item with the code you have suggested. However, the document appears is based on the default CTestDoc. Is there any way to make the document that appears based on the new document class I defined as CXGRIDDOC... Ok but the new document is not created. Please help if you can.
Many thanks
Best regards,
BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (pMsg->message==WM_USER)
MessageBox("I am here"," ",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
...I have tried exactly what you have told me... I have a compilation error:
if (hParentt == htiSpcs1)
#define kDoThis 1234
CWnd* pMainFrameWnd = ::AfxGetMainWnd();
Compilation Error:
...will run this void function: OnDblClickTree1 and then invoke the new document class. The sample of my code:
void CTestView::OnDblClickTree1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
CMenu menu;
CMenu *pop_up_menu;
CPoint point;
UINT nFlagsHit;
Any idea how to call a document from a CDocument? For example, my application is a MDI. I have three main application class:
My program is using Tree Ctrl. So, in my Ctestview, I need to click on the item on the Tree to invoke a new document. How to do that...
...the Grid. The database is imported into the decisiontable using the code:
ODBCTableImporter *importer =
DecisionTable *table = Creator::DecisionTable();
// Set...
...the Grid. The database is imported into the decisiontable using the code:
ODBCTableImporter *importer =
DecisionTable *table = Creator::DecisionTable();
// Set...
I have inserted a table name into my Tree structure. However, I cant see the table name unless I do something with the dialog e.g. moving, maximise or minimise the dialog before the change can be seen effectively. It seem to me that the tree list is not updated after the table is inserted...
I have a problem here. I manage to insert a table name into the Tree List. However, the screen is not updated. I have to minimise and then maximise the dialog box before I could see the table name that was inserted. Any solution for this???? Please help!
Many thanks!
hi, let's say I define a discrete range. More than 0.66 is considered "1" for instance. In the column, I have many numerical values like 0.22, 0.12, 0.11, 0.89.... How the excel can automatically use the discrete range I set to convert the whole database to the discrete values...
I have a database with all numerical values. I want to convert all to a discrete range of values which can be specified as I wish. How to do in Excel? Please help!!!
I got a problem. When I tried to read a database which contains a huge list of columns, the CListBox flickers during loading. How can I eliminate this effect?
for (int h = 0; h < columnnames.size(); h++)
if ((colNames == "Integer") || (colNames =="String"))
I would like to add a imported database name into the tree control. Somebody suggested me to use the container but I dont know how to use it. Can anyone please explain me more details. Please help!!
thank you!
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