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Search results for query: *

  1. jonpanky

    Send e-mail from access databases

    I have a problem, my customers cannot open the attachment formatHTML Does anyone know how I can copy the Report into the message body as text? What would you do?
  2. jonpanky

    Send e-mail from access databases

    To loop through you need to do something like this... Public Sub rtTradeConfirmGeneral() Dim strCustomerName As String Dim intRecordCnt As Integer Dim d As Integer Dim stDocName As String Dim strMessageBody As String 'generate a list of clients that need confimrming. Set rstChkConfirm =...
  3. jonpanky

    Sql query

    Hi thanks for all your help but it did not work, syntax error near where? I think this should give you the table format: if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblPictureRating]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[tblPictureRating] GO...
  4. jonpanky

    Sql query

    Thank you Rac2 I'll try that tonight.
  5. jonpanky

    Sql query

    Hello, I have three Tables tblUsers tblPictures and tblPictureRating On my site the photographers can rate other photographers work, what I'm trying to to do is filter out the photographs that a user may have voted on, but for the life of me I'm struggling can you help here is the SQL that...

Part and Inventory Search
