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Search results for query: *

  • Users: CMooreJr
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  1. CMooreJr

    ASP VBScript problems...

    Hey all...I'm trying to create a page that ask students for: Their name E-mail Address Company and then I have a list of Check boxes with classes they may be interested in. I followed the examples on the Dreamweaver MX files page given to me earlier, but I constantly get "cannot display page"...
  2. CMooreJr

    Website Survey

    it will be sent to Outlook, I will check out the tutorial...thanks guys!
  3. CMooreJr

    Website Survey

    Hey guys....hope this is the best place to post this.... My boss wants an Internal page where our students can go to to fill out their name, company, and e-mail....the second section will say "Let us know any other classes you are interested in (with checkboxes) and the last section will ask...
  4. CMooreJr

    Form/Subform problem...

    na....sorry, that didn't work. I cant set the main form to continous since it has a subform, and setting the subform to continous didn't do anything.....
  5. CMooreJr

    Form/Subform problem...

    Hey all...OK..here goes.... I have a form that simply has the company name and address, and the vendor name and address. The company name and vendor name are combo boxes that pulls the address, phone number, etc from other tables, namely tblCompany, and tblVendor. Now there is a subform that...
  6. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    I sent you another e-mail...it worked great! The only thing I saw was that the Date_Beginning and Date_End were not carried over from the first field of the xls file. (I think the dates were 4/20/03) and (4/26/03) this is how they will pull reports for the week/quarter, etc....can that be...
  7. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    Thnaks alot! It worked PERFECTLY!!!! I can't thank you enough for what you have done, other than giving you a big star! -Chuck
  8. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    In fact, if you want, shoot me your e-mail and I will send you the xls grid so you can see how goofy it is...if you dont want to post your e-mail on here, just send it to my e-mail address...moorech@comcast.net Thanks!
  9. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    if there are more stores, there will be more columns with the store number and the quantity...for instance... 353 ' 2 ' 810 ' 3 4100 ' 0 etc... there could be upwards of 40-50 stores, but MOST of the time thre will only be 2-10.... thanks again!
  10. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    Well, they want it as simple as possible, so I guess if I could create an "Import" button that all they have to do is click on to start the process then all will be great. It will always be put in one folder, and I can have them name it the same thing everytime to help in the import routine. So...
  11. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    the IDEAL structure would be the following Item Store number Number on Hand Number Sold CH035 346 1 0 CH035 353 2 0 etc....that would be PERFECT!.... Thanks!
  12. CMooreJr

    Pulling data from EDI converted file into access

    Hey all! OK, I have a company that sends data to another company via EDI. They want this to come to them now as an Excel sheet to be imported into access. Someone else is doing the EDI to Excel stuff, and here is a sample of the file she gave me.... ITEM CHO35 AVAILABLE LOC/QTY 346 1 353...
  13. CMooreJr

    Need to get percentage of an overall rating by different category #.

    I have a query that has a category number (10-60..10,20,30..) and in each category number there are several different lines that has different information for each category number(the number of lines varies) and each one has a rating number. I need to be able to get an overall rating per...
  14. CMooreJr

    on not in list failing....

    that did it...thanks Roy...it was the rst as dao...I forgot to reset that...have a star and thanks for all your help!
  15. CMooreJr

    on not in list failing....

    OK guys...that worked great...but now there is another one.... on the line: Set rst = db.OpenRecordSet("tblheardfromus") I get the error: "Run time error '91'.Object variable or with block variable not set." what's going on here??? :) Thanks for all your help!
  16. CMooreJr

    on not in list failing....

    the error is "Compile error - user-Defined type not defined" it must be the reference...inside of any module, the "references" is greyed out...how would I go about adding this in? Not sure what happened...it worked great before....
  17. CMooreJr

    on not in list failing....

    I have a combo box in a form that allows the users to put in new info if it isn't in the box. I have done this right many times with no problem, but now I get an error,...can you tell me why?? Here is the code: the cbobox is "Heardfromus" and the lookup table is "tblHeardfromus"...the cbobox...
  18. CMooreJr

    Form to print as report

    Hey all...I have what I know to be a simple question, I just cant seem to figure it out. I have a form that I want all the data to print in report format. What I want is a print button that will print just the data that is on the screen in REPORT format, not FORM format. The only way I can get...
  19. CMooreJr

    Percentage showing as triple digits...

    Hey all....I'm trying to figure out the following... I have a "Cost" field that is currency I have a "Discount" field that is percent. (Double, 0 decimal places) When I put in say, 5 for 5 percent, it comes up as 500% What am I doing wrong? I need this to be a pecent cause...

Part and Inventory Search
