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Search results for query: *

  1. acessn

    Display 2 decimal places.

    Have you tried formatting the display field with N.
  2. acessn

    String manipulation in IIF statement

    Solved it by removing -1 from the formula, and instead wrapped a Replace(String,",","") around it.
  3. acessn

    Subreports - What are they for? Would they do this?

    If these reports of yours is independent of one another, you might try using several datasets and tables within your report, instead of/in addition to sub reports.
  4. acessn

    Subreports - What are they for? Would they do this?

    A sub report in SQL reporting is just another report within your main report which is triggered by one or more parameters. I typically use it to get data which is unreachable from my main dataset. Beware that there might be performance issues with sub reports, especially if used in huge...
  5. acessn

    String manipulation in IIF statement

    In my details section of my report I need to: IIF(Employeeid>0,Fields!PersonFullname,"Open Shift") Works like a charm. However, the personfullname column is stored with "Lastname, Firstname", while the report requirement is to display "Firstname Lastname". This I have solved like this...
  6. acessn

    Multiple conditions in IIF statement

    Hi Geoff, That didn't work, but I solved it by using a workaround with assigning all paycodeids to a string and used instr() within the IIF. It also worked with a switch statement. Thanks for your time! Regards, Bjorn
  7. acessn

    Multiple conditions in IIF statement

    Hi. Using visual studio 2005 with SQL 2005 reporting Services. I'm trying to create an expression to check for multiple conditions. Basically I'm doing a sum on TIMEINSECONDS if a paycodeid is 123, 124, 125, 126 or 127. In Crystal I would create a running total and say something like if...
  8. acessn

    concatenating a %

    That should do the trick BBurnell. Fields!FieldName.Value/100.00
  9. acessn

    Converting a Crystal Report

    Your selection criteria in SSRS is pure SQL. Just add parameters to your report, and reference them in your query with @timeframeparameter and maybe just use a datediff. You will have to create your new report from scratch. Something like Select * from mytable where (datefield >=@startdate...
  10. acessn

    concatenating a %

    Drop the concatenation. Just format the field as percentage. Right click->properties->format Format code is P
  11. acessn

    Name of sheets when exporting to Excel

    Hi. Using SQL server 2005, Visual studio reporting. By adding "page break at end" you can split your group to display one group item pr sheet when exporting to Excel. However, the sheets are just called Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4 etc. Does anyone know of a way to control these names? I'd...
  12. acessn

    Reporting service 2005: Stripping a string expression?

    Yes, if you write this as a calculated field, you could also do similar logic on the remainer of the string in the textbox you dispay it in. Just search for the comma position, and do a left. You could of course do it directly in your calculated field, but the code gets rather messy and...
  13. acessn

    Reporting service 2005: Stripping a string expression?

    Try creating a calculated field with something like this: = Right((Fields!test.Value), Len(Right((Fields!test.Value),(Len((Fields!test.Value))-Instr((Fields!test.Value),","))))- Instr( Right((Fields!test.Value),(Len((Fields!test.Value))-Instr((Fields!test.Value),","))) ,",") ) This will...
  14. acessn

    Problem with query in Reporting Services but not in SQL analyzer

    Your picture isn't showing, but my best guess is that it has something to with your date criteria. I've had to use different ways of formatting date claues between sql server and visual studio reporting. Try removing your date criteria. If it works, format the where clause in a different way.
  15. acessn

    how do I get formulas to export in xls

    I would have created a duplicate report for excel exporting. I don't think it's possible to control the output of a report based on which format you are exporting it to. Create a formula which counts the number of rows in your detail section, and let the rest be plain text. Something like...
  16. acessn

    Page N of M

    Try creating a counter, using RowNumber and display that in your group footer.
  17. acessn

    Summing a formula

    Try this: =IIf(Fields!DateStart.Value< #7/1/2008# And (Fields!HistoryType_Ref.Value = "G" or Fields!HistoryType_Ref.Value = "R"), 1.00,0.00) I have often had troubles with formulas and summing if I don't use a decimal. You can probably try =IIf(Fields!DateStart.Value< #7/1/2008# And...
  18. acessn

    Displaying non-existing dates

    Do you mean that I should do the joining in Crystal? I've tried that before with no luck, but I guess I can try to create a table containing all dates, and use that instead of creating a new db. My hope was that I did not need to go there, but maybe create a group footer 2b and do some logic on...
  19. acessn

    Displaying non-existing dates

    Reporting from SQL server 2003, using CR10. In my report I have grouped on person and date to display number of hours worked pr person pr date. Easy and basic. My problem is that the database does not contain an entry on every day on every person, hence, I cannot display all dates, just the...
  20. acessn

    number converted to time format

    Are you quite sure you don't mean 957 that should be displayed as time(hh:mm)? Could this work? Time then needs to be a string. if length({your.time})=3 then left({your.time},1) & ":" & right(({your.time}),2) else if length({your.time})=4 then left({your.time},2) & ":" &...

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