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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Rajesh99
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  1. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    Sorry my set was too simple, how will the following data set work: 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 200 20800 - Jack 100 20800 - Jack 300 20800 - Jack 400 20820 - Jack 100 ziocode distinct count(order #, name) 20800 5 20820 1 I like to get...
  2. Rajesh99

    Processing outer join by oracle

    I had A TABLE outer joined more than once, I got different results every time I changed order of outer join. But what you are saying it is illegal to outer join a table more than once? Do you have any oracle reference to prove this? I have not read this anywhere in oracle manuals? I have been...
  3. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    Sory my set was too simple, how will the following data set work: 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 200 20800 - Jack 100 20800 - Jack 300 20800 - Jack 400 ziocode distinct count(order by name) 20800 5 I like to get 5 as distinct count for Name/order#...
  4. Rajesh99

    Processing outer join by oracle

    Questions: Well you are right I get some results which look meaningless when I outer join table many times, You can join only outer join table only once in sql? Is that right? Also can if I do outer join followed by inner join what is first going to be excuted by sql e.g. where master.pk =...
  5. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    Option 1 will work. Thanks.
  6. Rajesh99

    Processing outer join by oracle

    I have a number of tables they have some master/child realtionship i.e they can be joined by related columns. Now I understand I can create outer joins in these tables and should start with a MASTER table and from their keep joining tables to each other including ALL columns that are common...
  7. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    Thanks. I have really four unqiue records in above, i have some other coumns in the result set and I do not care for them. I want to have in result set for each zip code list of unique NAME+ORDER#: 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 200 20800 - Jack 300 20800 - Jack 400 The temp tables and...
  8. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    No I have same customer name in zip code. Here is an example: zip code Name order# 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 100 20800 - Tom 200 20800 - Jack 300 20800 - Jack 400 ziocode distinct count(order by name) 20800 4 In other words I have 4 unique order for Tom&order#...
  9. Rajesh99

    Count distinct on more than one columns

    I have a table like: orderid, custname, zipcode, orderdate. I want to count to do like this: select orderdate, count(distinct custname,zipcode) from a_able group by orderdate. Bu this does not work. I am trying to get for an order how many distinct custname were their in in zip code...
  10. Rajesh99

    insert into and rollback segment

    I have a huge table and I intend to do: insert into another_table select * from big_table; Will this run into can not extend rollback segment error?
  11. Rajesh99

    Materialized view status

    Is there a view that can give me cause of error why it failed on refresh(SQLERROR)?
  12. Rajesh99

    Materialized view status

    Is there a dictionary view that can give me status of refresh of Materialzed view(i.e, success, error code if failed on error etc)?
  13. Rajesh99

    running sqlplus script from perl

    <<EOF lells sqlplus run all tha sql commands that come upto EOF under. Unfortnately I can create temp file etc so thai is the only option I have. I tried to escape << as \</< that did not work. I only use perl once a while so not current with what else can I do.
  14. Rajesh99

    running sqlplus script from perl

    I have a legacy code and need to run this from perl. I can not use DBI as this needs to fit in legacy. system("sqlplus \/NOLOG <<EOF connect scott\/tiger\@store; select sysdate from dual; exit EOF "); This does not work and keeps prompting me for help on sqlplus. Seems somewhere may be at <<...
  15. Rajesh99

    Typeahead select

    Thanks. Seems teh two examples there need an extra text item to type in. I am looking to have a lisbox where you type and list scrolls up automatically to closest match.
  16. Rajesh99

    Typeahead select

    I want to have functionality of typeahead in list box. Any help?
  17. Rajesh99

    Authonticate against Active Directory

    I have my application on Solaris with Tomcat. Now I want to do following things: when this application starts prompt user for his user name/password, if they typed these matching the ones in Active Directory (the users run this application on window XP on company's hosted active directory) then...
  18. Rajesh99

    Plot Chart in excel

    No. 00:02, 00:04, 00:07, 00:12 etc are the time when transaction arrived. I really have one columns showing when we received transactions in our database(Oracle). User wants me to set up query saying how many/what percentage of transactions we receieved in 10 minutes interval staring mid-night...
  19. Rajesh99

    Plot Chart in excel

    I have data like: 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.23 0.29 .. .. 23.20 This data I have in excel spreadsheet I like to plot that will shows how many data(percent and absolute values) I have in 10 minutes interval( In above I have in first 10 minutes 3 transactions, in next 10 minutes 0 transactions and in...
  20. Rajesh99

    Highlight typed text in drop down?

    This is a good script I have been looking. Thanks, any side effects I should work on before using it?

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