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Search results for query: *

  1. JasonDBurke

    Custom_ows.js ctx object?

    Just wondering where I can get information on this mysterious ctx object such as a list of its properties. I have found online: imageslist and httpRoot; however i'm looking for properties that will give me information such as the guid of the document and the url of the document. I know the...
  2. JasonDBurke

    Copy Word document to clipboard

    Hi I was wondering how I go about copying a Word document to the clipboard? This is the code I am trying which copies ONLY the plain text and I need it in Rich Text Format. Thanks! --------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim AppWord As Word.Application Dim copytext As Variant...
  3. JasonDBurke

    Rich Text Box highlight

    HideSelection property is the answer. Needs to be set to false.
  4. JasonDBurke

    Rich Text Box highlight

    Hi, My question is a GUI question. I am trying to mirror a little functionality found in editing programs like MS Word. I want to be able to highlight some text in a Rich Text Box and then click on a combo box a select a different font type and have the text switch to that font while the...
  5. JasonDBurke

    Strange Rows.InsertAt behavior

    This code works..notice the AcceptChanges().. <-- that did it DataRow myDataRow = myDataTable.NewRow(); myDataRow["Alert"] = "alert" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); myDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(myDataRow,0); myDataSet.Tables[0].AcceptChanges(); dataGrid1.DataSource =...
  6. JasonDBurke

    Strange Rows.InsertAt behavior

    check on that last message.. That code is actually always appending. Even with a button click so there must be something I'm missing.
  7. JasonDBurke

    Strange Rows.InsertAt behavior

    Hello, I'm attempting to insert new row data into a DataTable using the InsertAt method. What I want to do is have the new rows always appear first in the datagrid. When I stick this code behind a button and click repeatedly it works, however when I have this same code in a thread it does not...
  8. JasonDBurke

    Placeholder, User Control and URL

    Hi, I'm trying to populate a placeholder on a webform with a url from another application. I load a user control on that place holder and do a response.redirect to the new url. The problem with this approach is that the url that is being redirected to opens up entirely in the browser. I need...
  9. JasonDBurke

    SQLDBType.Image problem

    Hi, I'm uploading documents to a server using this type. Documents that fall under 4MB in size upload fine. Anything larger throws a Page Not Found Error. Here is the code I am using. Any help would be awesome! Thanks in advance, Jason. string theFileName =...
  10. JasonDBurke

    Hyperlink Column email address

    Thanks for the reply however The provided example(s) look as though it does 2 things: 1. Redirects and 2. Variable transfers. Neither of which I am attempting to do. All I want to do is beable to hyperlink a column that is populated with email addresses and when the user clicks the email address...
  11. JasonDBurke

    Hyperlink Column email address

    Hi all, My C# code retrieves a dataset and a datagrid binds to the returned dataset. One of the fields is an email address field that will display an email address. What I would like to do is just make that a &quot;mailto: hyperlink&quot; so that the user can click on an email address and the...
  12. JasonDBurke

    Interfacing with windows servce

    Hello, I have built a windows service that does some file I/O. I would like to write up a window application GUI that allows an administrator to configure that service dynamically. What is the best way to communicate between the service and the application? Are there multiple ways of...
  13. JasonDBurke

    FileInfo and FileStream length not being updated

    Hi, I am building a windows service. I have spawned off a thread that checks a snort intrusion detection log file size to see if its filesize has changed. Snort.exe has control over this file because it needs to write to it whenever a new alert is triggered. The problem I am having is that in...
  14. JasonDBurke

    C# extremely slow on build

    Hi, I'm currently working on a large enterprise application and I switched over to a new machine and loaded the IDE and everything that I need. The machine is fast and has plenty of memory. The difference is that build time is really slow (2 minutes +) and when I go into editing the code there...
  15. JasonDBurke

    Refresh Sceen and user selected intervals

    I'm writing an application in which log data is being displayed on the screen using (C#/ASP.NET). I'd like the user to beable to click on various radio buttons representing different time intervals to refresh the screen. I've tried using the C# timer control but this isn't working so I'm moving...
  16. JasonDBurke

    Trying WIN2K Pro Install... GRUB Loading Stage 2???

    Hi, I am currently trying to install Windows 2000 Professional on an old HP Pavillion Box (400mhz). The box recently had RedHat Linux 9 on it. My goal was to remove the Linux install and installe Win2K Pro on the box. I ran FDISK after booting off of a Win98 startup disk. I removed all the...
  17. JasonDBurke

    NetMeeting connection issue

    I'm having an issue with NetMeeting connections after the initial connection has been made and I'm not sure if this is how NetMeeting should behave or not. Please let me know. I start NetMeeting on A and B and make a connection with NetMeeting from A to B. If I click on the chat utility for A...
  18. JasonDBurke

    Repositioning cursor in a text file

    I'm a currently reading a log using the Delphi I/O functions that work with the TextFile variable. Because the log is dynamic in nature, on a one second timer iteration I check the file size and see if it has changed. If it is larger then I need to reset the cursor to begin reading again...
  19. JasonDBurke

    AIM Protocol component??

    Does anyone know if there is any company or open source components or free components (preferably the latter) that would allow a developer to interface with the AIM Instant Messaging Protocol? I'm talking Active X components or regular Delphi widgets you can drop onto a form...
  20. JasonDBurke

    Threads in Delphi?

    I'm wondering how to implement a Thread in Delphi 5 that will basically execute a very long while loop and update a counter and then display that counter value in a label on the GUI. I've read the help examples but the thread setup and execution are not as intuitive to me as in VC++. Some sample...

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