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Search results for query: *

  1. TJNweb

    Calling recvfrom() is failed... why?

    Private Declare Function recvfrom Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal s As Long, ByVal buf As String, ByVal lLen As Long, ByVal flags As Long, ByRef from As sockaddr, ByRef fromlen As Long) As Long This API can not be called from VB... why did I get genegal protection error? Does anybody can show...
  2. TJNweb

    Is it impossible to use sendto in VB?

    Thanks LazyMe, Do you have any example how to send data by using sendto?
  3. TJNweb

    Is it impossible to use sendto in VB?

    Hello, I have question aboute sendto function with Socket. in msdn: ######################################################## int sendto( SOCKET s, const char* buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr* to, int tolen ); s [in] Descriptor identifying a (possibly connected)...
  4. TJNweb

    How to detect that the system is idle

    Actually this way not always works correctly... If I did I would use something other For C++ from MSDN: while ( bDoingBackgroundProcessing ) { MSG msg; while ( ::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if ( !PumpMessage( ) ) {...
  5. TJNweb

    How to detect that the system is idle

    Complete explanation is here: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5077/new/win9xcpu.html
  6. TJNweb

    How to detect that the system is idle

    Data about condition of processor keeps into regedit. If it can be usefull I will try to find this key
  7. TJNweb


    Do you need to receive or send this message?
  8. TJNweb

    How can I determine codec of video?

    Hello, my question is: How can I get information about video format (rate, length, name of codec,..) Is any concrete ideas? Thanks in advance, Juri tjn.web@mail.ee
  9. TJNweb

    INI Entry more that 255 Characters?

    ~65000 symbols
  10. TJNweb

    system modal msg boxes

    Range of vision this dialog it is your application. You can't access controls in your own application but not in system whole.
  11. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    Thanks for everything, friends, Yeh, everything has borders of reality and one solution here it is working with less data size. Happy New YEAR !!!
  12. TJNweb

    inputbox and cancel

    Johnwm's code works faster..
  13. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    I completed converter GFA->XLS (like vector graphic (report) - 1C bookkeeper program). I have used Excel object model. I have done program, but person who asked me to write it sad that it is too slowly ! Do something to increase speed !! I am looking...
  14. TJNweb

    INI Entry more that 255 Characters?

    Why not? By using GetPrivateProfileString, WritePrivateProfileString you can. Just make sure that you have resized buffer.
  15. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    Johnwm, thanks for your help, Don't be angry with me, I am asking not to reject all suggestions, I am just looking for optimal solution.. I want to use more then one row (65535*256) * sheets = 10000000... cells Actually I am looking for ref. to complete XLS engine if so exist.
  16. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    Hmm.. It is good idea, but will I able to send command to format cells (merge, change font size)??
  17. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    But I want to use direct writing because I need to put about 100000 records at once. As you can see it will take about few day to complete this operation... I need to find fastest way to do that. Anyway, thanks for example.
  18. TJNweb

    Disable Mouse Right-Click

    Good way it is create procedures in OCX and attach it to you project. So you will able execute code before your form loaded and after it already unloaded
  19. TJNweb

    EXCEL direct read/write

    Hello, Does anybody worked with Excel directly (no DDE/OLE). I am sure that somebody allredy has EXCEL engine for fast read/write xls files.. I will be gratefull for any links and examples (raw description of xls format is not enought..) tjn.web@mail.ee
  20. TJNweb

    internet explorer address bar

    Windows keeps this data in reester. Windows98 SE key for example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs

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