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  1. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Solved the problem thanks to your installerclass and this library: http://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/UserSamples/Details.aspx?SampleGuid=e6098575-dda0-48b8-9abf-e0705af065d9 Thank you, Aptitude! And thank you, JurkMonkey too!
  2. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    An extremely nice example! Thank you very much. :) Too bad my company is still using .Net 1.1 that doesn't contain System.Security.AccessControl :(
  3. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Is there a way to do this using a C#-program? Or else, how can I set filepermissions in a setup-project?
  4. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    It doesn't even have to be a file, just a place to store data.
  5. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Yes, the All users-directory would have been the solution. However, then I discovered that in Win2000 a restricted user does not have permission to write to that folder and its underlying folders. :( So to simplify the problem: I need to find a place where all restricted users can read and...
  6. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    I'll probably have to use the All users-folder. Is it available under Win2k also?
  7. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Which common places (shared by all users) can a restricted user in windows xp use?
  8. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Ok, you got me there. Tried to make it simpler by not introducing another file in my example but the example only got more stupid... :) If we take your alternative 1, I'd like to use the same log-file for all users. Where can I put the file so that all restricted users can log to it(in other...
  9. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    The problem is that the config-file will change not only during the installation but during each execution also since it also works as a log-file. Forgot to mention that. :/
  10. MagiMike

    File permissions and config-files.

    Hi! I'm making a program that takes uses some values from a config-file in the program's folder. The program is also able to change the settings in the file. But when I run it under a restricted user Windows XP won't let the program write to the file. Is there a good workaround for this? Being...
  11. MagiMike

    RegistryKey-class and Windows Vista

    Thanks! That's good to know! It's hard to support a platform that you're not able to test the program on. :/
  12. MagiMike

    RegistryKey-class and Windows Vista

    Hi! A short question, does the Registry- and the RegistryKey-class work in Windows Vista? Or is Vista using a new Registry-system?
  13. MagiMike

    JScrollPane align

    Unfortunately JPanel doesn't have those methods :(
  14. MagiMike

    JScrollPane align

    I have a JPanel inside a JScrollPane. When I oversize the window so that the JScrollPane area is larger than the JPanel then the JPanel gets centered inside the JScrollPane area. However I'd rather have it aligned to the upperleft corner of the JScrollPane area. How do I make JScrollPane do...
  15. MagiMike

    Replace a substring in a string

    Sorry, wasn't clear enough in my question. What I was looking for is the function that replaces every occurence of a string in a large string with another string. In other words, just like Replace in ASP/VB, but I can only use ASP/mod_perl. Example I have this string: "Hello Mr.X, how are you...
  16. MagiMike

    Replace a substring in a string

    This question seems to have been answered before but for ASP/VB. I'm using ASP/mod_perl. Is there any equivalent command for mod_perl? Replace does not work for me...
  17. MagiMike

    c++ var length

    Try the function strlen. length = strlen(password); should do it.
  18. MagiMike

    Line-wrapping CListCtrl/CListBox

    Isn't there any way to do linewrapping in these controls? It'll be a chat-log for a server.
  19. MagiMike

    ObjectOutput/InputStream Initializing

    Hi, I'm creating a chat-application consisting of a client and a server. Both these programs use a specific thread to get data from the other. The sending of the data takes place in the GUI-thread (event-thread?). The creation of the ObjectStreams looks like this: CLIENT-side socket = new...
  20. MagiMike

    Need something like COUNT IF

    Yes, I made up the problem to make it a simple as possible. Thanks for the design tips though, didn't think about them (not that experienced with Access...). Seems like Crosstab was exactly what I looked for or rather the commands TRANSFORM and PIVOT. Thanks for the help :) Mike

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