We are presently looking to pass some of our applications to Lotus Notes and we are looking at some of the best development products for the system... Please feel free to give any information on the subject.
When I use this command in DOS...
javac -g -sourcepath Sources/*.java -classpath Class -d Class -deprecation -verbose
One of the file in my directory is not load... and don't compile, making the other sources crash.
here's how my files are set...
-> Class
-> Sources
Seems strange...
I create a modeless dialog box this way...
g_DlgRequest = new DlgItemFound;
... and then a big process is launched...
The window appear but don't display its controls because of the big process...
I've finally found what I was looking for...
RunModalLoop() makes an already open window modal...
EndModalLoop(0) makes this same window not modal...
maybe it'll help someone
here's a function I have done...
// you call the function like this
ifstream in;
if (seekFile(in, "MYWORD")){
... in is positionned at the caracter folowing "MYWORD"
... wasn't found
// function definition
bool seekFile(ifstream& in, const char* seekString){...
// how about reading the whole file in a buffer...
char file|10000|;
char temp;
int i=0;
file|i++| = temp;
file|i| = '\0';
// and then use the strstr function to retrieve the position of your text...
char* ptr = strstr(file, "WHATYOUARESEEKING");
// ptr...
2. ShellExecute(0, "open", pszMyHTMLFile, 0,
seems only to work if the internet explorer is already open... Is this normal or it's(maybe) beacause I'm using NT 4.0
I'll try to explain my problem a little better... It's not exactly what I'm doing but it'll be easier to explain what I'm looking for.
what I need to do...
void Process(...){
myDlg dlg;
// open the dlg as a modeless dialog box
// I used DoModal here, but I really mean... stopping
no... It's more complicated than that... well, if there is a way to play with the modal state of the window by never closing it, that would do.
This window will be called hundreds of time and I don't want it to close and reopened each time...
Here's the situation... A Modeless Dialog Box(MDB) is open... and a function is running... At a point I want the function to call a method of the MDB and wait right there for the user to push a button in the MDB. When he does, the function will continue...
Does something like this could work...
I've put the code that I thought was useful... For this case, the ESC key calls OnCancel(that's ok)... but when I'm on a CTreeCtrl(or any other control that don't use the RETURN key) in my dialog box and I push RETURN... it's the OnClick event of the BtnOk that is call... seems kind of weird...
I've used a part of your suggestion...
I've overide the OnOK and OnCancel like this...
virtual void OnOK();
virtual void OnCancel();
void OnOK(){}
void OnCancel(){}
... it works great for some forms, but for others, it seems that the ESC or RETURN just don't used these override...
This work really fine!!! Thank you Jeffray!
But maybe a little better than what I was expecting... The "ESC" handle is great but the "RETURN" takes over some events like when a button is pressed(by the keyboard RETURN key)...
If I don't handle the "RETURN"... the...
I've started a dialog box application and I'd like to prevent a window from closing when someone push the "ESC" or "RETURN" key...
thank you!
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