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Search results for query: *

  1. NervousRex

    How to implement a parameter to sort date or alphabetic order

    I'm trying to do this also, except with a numeric field field that has negatives. When I do: IF {?SortField} = "Total_Score" Then ToText({@Total_Score}, "#######.##") ELSE {usp_Report_Client_Goals;1.Full_Name} The sort order comes out: 0.08 -0.12 0.17 I would expect: -0.12 0.08...
  2. NervousRex

    Help with Project Timeframe

    I am in a position that I've never been in before...needing to give a time frame on a project. The project is a new application to replace an existing 3rd party application we use (Tenrox). Its a project time tracking software, where they will need the functionality of entering the time...
  3. NervousRex

    VS2005 Windows App Anchoring

    I believe I can achieve the same functionality I am looking for by using the TableLayout instead of the FlowLayout by setting the row height to autosize. So far it looks good. I searched google, and it appears my problem is a common gripe with the FlowLayout panel.
  4. NervousRex

    VS2005 Windows App Anchoring

    The layout hierarchy is: Form FlowLayout -GroupBox(1) - with expand/collapse feature +GroupBox(2) - with expand/collapse feature TableLayout (2 columns w/ 50% width) GroupBox(a) | GroupBox(b) +GroupBox(3) - with expand/collapse feature TableLayout (2 columns...
  5. NervousRex

    VS2005 Windows App Anchoring

    Have another issue that is layout related, so figure I'll update here instead of a new post... I had the above working...but then I needed to add some more functionality. So what I have now is three group boxes within a flowlayout panel. When I close/hide the top group box, the bottom 2 move...
  6. NervousRex

    VS2005 Windows App Anchoring

    Perfect, exactly what I was looking for! Thanks
  7. NervousRex

    VS2005 Windows App Anchoring

    Sorry if this is wrong forum to post this... Easiest way to explain this is: I am trying to replicate an HTML table design of 2 columns with 50% widths. Meaning that as the page size is increased, both columns grow equally. I'm trying to do this on a windows form...with two group boxes. As...
  8. NervousRex

    Help with XML Reading

    I am new to XML and trying to do a simple read, currently i'm attempting to use XmlTextReader, but if you have a another suggestion that works I am not picky =) Here is what I have, which doesn't work: Dim sr As StringReader = New StringReader(Me.hidSpellXML.Value) Dim...
  9. NervousRex

    Exporting PDF in VB.Net App

    I created a small .exe that runs nightly and exports a crystal report as .pdf files. Untill recently (2 weeks) ago, it ran fine for many months (11+), now it is erroring occasionly on the Report.Export() call. Source: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Message: Logon Failed. I've done a...
  10. NervousRex

    SQL Query w/ Dynamic String

    the pound signs were what I was looking for, thanks
  11. NervousRex

    SQL Query w/ Dynamic String

    the day of the week is dynamic, if its run on monday I need the query to say WHERE Monday = 1 Tuesday Tuesday = 1 my question is more how do I add that into the string? WHERE a.BP_Contact_Name='Calendar' AND a.contact_for=b.biz_association_id AND...
  12. NervousRex

    SQL Query w/ Dynamic String

    I need to change up an existing query in an application, I have no CF expierence so need the details, as I have no clue on debugging or anything like that. Existing query: <cfquery name="qry_select_client_contact" datasource="#request.dsn#" dbtype="#request.dbtype#"> select...
  13. NervousRex

    UserControl linking stylesheet in design

    I do understand I need to view it in a browser, but there is a time for that....when I get to points where it is ready for a browser. Like i said, what your suggesting is me going back to using Notepad. Thank you for your answer
  14. NervousRex

    UserControl linking stylesheet in design

    Not going to continue to argue with you over something that is irrelevant to what i'm asking. Trust me I know about different resolutions and that non-sense. They created IDEs to help with this, something as simple as asking to have a stylesheet that a user will use be linked to the control...
  15. NervousRex

    UserControl linking stylesheet in design

    Its an internal app, our employees will be locked to IE7 so none of that mattered in this case. What I see is what they will see, no question. If I drop the control on a page, I can see what I want...but I would much rather see what i'm creating without having to drop it on a page and go...
  16. NervousRex

    UserControl linking stylesheet in design

    I am creating a usercontrol and would like the stylesheet applied in design view in VS2005 so I can see what the heck I am creating. Currently the only way I can see how the control is going to look is to run a page the control is used in, which is very annoying. Since the usercontrol has no...
  17. NervousRex

    Autogrowth Error AND Transaction Log is Full

    Ok, I can't explain why it isn't growing after the big spot. And I kinda figured out what the issue is with that. Its not one query that is causing it like originally thought. What happens is the ouput in the message window stops and I guess queues up, then dumps the next few statements all...
  18. NervousRex

    Autogrowth Error AND Transaction Log is Full

    It was set at 10% of file size, I changed it to 10MB, ran it again...grew by 10MB, 10MB again, then same thing, hits a spot and grows to 2GB but then never grows again. Max file size is set to 20GB, which is where it was at in the initial post.
  19. NervousRex

    Autogrowth Error AND Transaction Log is Full

    So as I run my transfer script, it hits a point (1/4 of way in, but not same point as in original post), and takes a good minute or so on a simple insert statement, and the log file grows by about 2GB at that point....then rest of the of the script runs and file size never changes after that
  20. NervousRex

    Autogrowth Error AND Transaction Log is Full


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