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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. topone

    Query calculating days

    Thanks for your quick reply. It looks like it should work.
  2. topone

    Query calculating days

    Hello I am supposed to write a query that gets the total of drugs dispensed in a day and also the total of the week (ends sunday) for a given period. I can get the first part of the query without problems. SELECT [Filldate], Count([Filldate]) AS itemused From CNumber WHERE RegionId=1 And...
  3. topone

    Program performed illegal operation while renaming .new to .exe

    Dim SEI As SHELLEXECUTEINFO Dim ProcessHandle As Long, i As Long Dim ConHandle As String UpdateClient = False ProcessHandle = MDIFrmMain.hwnd 'Fill the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure With SEI .cbSize = Len(SEI) .fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS Or SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST Or _...
  4. topone

    Program performed illegal operation while renaming .new to .exe

    When I call appUpdate.exe then error msg pops app.exe performed illegal operation
  5. topone

    Program performed illegal operation while renaming .new to .exe

    Hi, I am getting an error - program performed illegal operation - exception 10h in module msvbvm60.dll when program checks for new version on server if exists downloads the program by closing the current program 1. App.exe -- calls AppUpdate.exe using shellcode 2. AppUpdate.exe terminate...
  6. topone

    Show Data Report with no printer

    Hello, I wrote a program in vb 6 to show some data reports getting data from access. I also installed a copy on my laptop. The program works fine on the pc but not on the laptop since there is no printer attached to it. The msdn library says that you need a printer to show the report, but...
  7. topone


    Hello gazflat33, you should use an array and then pass the data to the Chart. With chtData .chartType = VtChChartType2dBar .ChartData = retrdata.GetData(vColNames) .TitleText = "Weekly Pharmacy Data" end with the retrdata is a module created by me so just create...
  8. topone

    Mistake on Microsoft MSDN article?

    Hello, I was reading your post and also went to the MSDN website. I do presure that you are right there is at list one line missing and also it does not tell the user that he/she should place a Imagebox on the form. The ony problem I have is that it prints a grey box that's all. it...
  9. topone


    Hello all, It seems that I overlooked some of the existings posts. I have modified a little bit the code of Cajun Centurion and now it works fine. I put the code just in case somebody may need it. Thanks again Paolo Private Sub columntop() With chtData.Plot.SeriesCollection(1) With...
  10. topone


    Hello SkipVought, The code is a bit here and there,but the one that should interest you is this : Private Sub cmdRepPharmacy_Click() Dim retrdata As New ClsModGet Dim vColNames() As Variant With chtData .chartType = VtChChartType2dBar .ChartData =...
  11. topone


    Hello, I am trying to convert an excel graph into a Visual Basic Graph. I do manage to get the data from either a db or a file.The problem that I have encountered is that I cannot display the value of the column in the graph. The Y shows only values like 10, 20, 30 so if the value of a...
  12. topone

    Sql error

    Hello, my mistake in copying the wrong version.There are no two equals INNER JOIN. The fields in the table Clinicians are RPSGB,Name and ClinicianID if is of any use. Thanks Paolo SELECT Consultation.ConsultId,Consultation.ConsultDate , Consultation.ConsultTime , Clinicians.Name...
  13. topone

    Sql error

    This is the debug.print and the error is "Syntax error in FROM clause." Let me know waht you think? I was checking if the string does have a maximum number of characters, but even in that case the debug.print should show if any characters are missing. Thanks Paolo SELECT...
  14. topone

    Sql error

    Hello Johnwm, I did remove the and but still does not work. I also tried to check the FAQ that you suggested but it cames up with an error page saying that is no longer there. Any other suggestions? Thanks Paolo
  15. topone

    Sql error

    Hello, I am trying to write an sql statement but an error keeps coming up. I need to retrieve data from more than one table so I a using the INNer JOIN statement, but still no luck. The error is in the from part according to the error message. Any help welcome The code part is SQLStr =...
  16. topone

    Closing Delimeter Not Found rte 2147217900

    Great Chiph, I've also found that it works if you use the following: SQL = "SELECT * FROM Formulary where condition=" & Chr$(34) & condname & Chr$(34) rst.Open SQL, dbc, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText. Thanks Paolo
  17. topone

    Closing Delimeter Not Found rte 2147217900

    Hello, I am using VB 6.0 to access an Access 2000 db. The problem is when I run the program this RTE comes up. "-2147217900 (80040e14) closing Delimetr not found ...". I know what is causing the problem but do not know how to avoid it. some fields of the data contain the character "'". I...
  18. topone

    How to get field description from an Access table using ADO

    Hello, I have another question. I am trying to add a table to an existing database. The code is quite straight forward and there are no problems, but I have been asked to call one of the table's fields Text. When i put this in the string to execute generates an error. anyway of bypassing...
  19. topone

    How to get field description from an Access table using ADO

    Hello, I was reading all the help that you gave to the other members. Thanks very much, but I do have a question of my own. The database that I use has a password, and I am trying to change one of the properties of a field called "Read_Code". I get a RTE that says "object required". Do you...

Part and Inventory Search
