you might put an if statement to specifically address that printer, if it exists then delete and leave it in the standard log in script until you think its ok to remove it (as in all users have had a chance to to log in) or just leave it in perminently - either way
just an idea
after: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
try this:
set objFolder = FSO.GetFolder("I:\AutomatedManualBackup\\").Files
For Each objFile in objFolder
If objfile.DateCreated < Date()-90 Then
End if
worked for me when I tested it in a...
I'm a novice in the area but we had the same crazy problem.
my work around solution is to temporarily give the user privileges to log into the server directly, log into the server as the user to either alter privileges or to put the files in a different location.
we had similar issues when...
use the following:
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colRunningServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where name='eventlog'")
For Each objService in...
you can specify the action you want - whatever it may be - at the On_Enter event with an event procedure,
At the text box specified, go to properties, click on the event tab and add an event procedure at the On Enter event
sorry to not be more helpful - I havent worked a lot with access projects, but I am sure what you are trying to do is possible.
Let me see if I understand you situation, you're access project is linked to an sql database and working fine, and you want to have a form in datasheet view that only...
I don't pretend to be the expert (believe me) however here is some generic code for querying a database. You can place this in a module, in a form event procedure or even a seperate *.vbs file. The syntax of the query is pretty sensitive.
I'm not sure as to what it is exactly you are trying to...
I dont know of a good way to do it - but i vaguely remember doing that for a punching system program once upon a time
dim dtmMilitary
If hour(time) < 10 then
dtmMilitary = "0" & Format(Now(), "hhnn")
dtmMilitary = Format(Now(), "hhnn")
End if
test that to see if you are getting the...
Test the following out to see if it works for you:
For Each objSubfolder in colSubfolders
If Left(objsubfolder.Name, 3) = "fax" Then
MsgBox objsubfolder.Name
End If
let me know if you need anything else
Hey maltman1,
Im not programmer either, but i had an idea that may lead you to the answer - and yes as far as I know there is no way to pass a wildcard through fso.
The key to this work around would be to find a common unique quality that these folders share - if you can find that, then it...
Hey mighty:
you might have already thought of these but just in case, here are a few ideas that may help:
you could remove the .bat file and run similar code in your .vbs, this would probably be more precise
if you are already using the run method, you could set the wait on return value to...
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