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Search results for query: *

  1. blackbirdMIT

    Applet and HTML

    I tried another computer and it worked for me too. My new problem is ... I tried Microsoft Frontpage to start a nice html then inserted my applet in it. When I view my html, I only see my html and an empty gray box that's suppose to be my applet. I don't have any problem now viewing my...
  2. blackbirdMIT

    Applet and HTML

    I have these files: AnotherHello.class AnotherHello.html AnotherHello.java Applet Code: import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class AnotherHello extends Applet { public void paint ( Graphics gr ) { setBackground( Color.lightGray ); gr.drawString("Hello&quot...
  3. blackbirdMIT

    How to generate random numbers using Java?

    That makes a lot more sense for a beginner like me. Thanks for the tips!
  4. blackbirdMIT

    How to generate random numbers using Java?

    I need help! Below is my code: import java.util.*; class RandomInts { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println ("You have generated quick pick Lottery numbers.\n" + "Goodluck! Here they are:\n"); int number = 0; int limit = 6; Random generator...
  5. blackbirdMIT

    How to generate random numbers using Java?

    I need help in generating random numbers using JAVA. I need to generate at least three sets of numbers (not duplicated). The set range should be between integers 1 to 55. I need some code to start with as I'm new in this Java programming arena. The output is simply using System.out.print...
  6. blackbirdMIT

    Error in creating Cursor

    Table Properties - Odors OdorID Int OdorNum Int Odor nvarchar(50) Here's my Cursor: DECLARE OdorCursor Cursor FOR SELECT * FROM Odors; DECLARE @TheCursor Cursor; SET @TheCursor=OdorCursor; OPEN @TheCursor; DECLARE @OdorID Int; DECLARE @OdorNum Int; DECLARE @Odor nvarchar(50); FETCH...
  7. blackbirdMIT

    Cursor Writing

    Below is my query: (This lets me view the Oil Name and Caution. I would like to be able to update or delete oilname and/or caution items.) SELECT dbo.Oils.OilName AS [Oil Name], dbo.Cautions.Description AS Caution FROM dbo.Cautions INNER JOIN dbo.OilCautions...
  8. blackbirdMIT

    Cursor Writing

    I need help in developing an updatable cursor that updates and deletes rows from a table/s. I only like to deal with Oil.OilName and Cautions.Description. I have the tables below: OIL table: OilID int OilName nvarchar(50) LatinName nvarchar(50) PlantTypeID int PlantPartID int CAUTIONS table...
  9. blackbirdMIT

    How to create Correlated Subquery?

    Can we do a Join for this requirement? Any advantage on using the correlated subquery instead of using Join as far as performance issues?
  10. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Trigger

    How can I expand the scope of the trigger to handle delete and update for the insert trigger you've shown above?
  11. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Trigger

    The MyOils table is empty; no records yet.
  12. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Trigger

    It is still not updating the MyOils table after adding the where OilID = (select OilID from inserted) OilID = int(4) in MyOils table
  13. blackbirdMIT

    How to create Correlated Subquery?

    Do you know of another to accomplish the same results using a different method (not correlated subquery)?
  14. blackbirdMIT

    How to create Correlated Subquery?

    I would like to display each oil (the oilID and oilName) and the property (propertyID and propertyName) with the highest propertyID associated with it. I want the results by the oilID. The highest propertyID or number means it's more associated with an oil compared to a property with a lower...
  15. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Trigger

    The MyOils table did not update after I added a test oil into the Oils table using INSERT statement. INSERT INTO Oils VALUES ('50', 'OilNameTest1', 'LatinNameTest1', '1', '1') GO What am I missing?
  16. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Trigger

    I need help on how to provide an INSERT statement to activate a trigger given the tables below: MYOILS Table OilID - PK, int OilName - nvarchar LatinName - nvarchar, allow nulls PlantTypeID - int, allow nulls PlantPartID - int, allow nulls Sample - char, allow nulls Description - varchar, allow...
  17. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Stored Procedure

    Thanks for the input! One more thing: Can you show me how to create a function that accept integer parameters then display the names of the oils that have that number of cautions? So that means I have to use the view I created (see above).
  18. blackbirdMIT

    SQL script to implement FUNCTIONS

    Is that the straight forward of calling the function and assigning the parameters?
  19. blackbirdMIT

    SQL script to implement FUNCTIONS

    Can you please give me some tips to... create an SQL script that implements three functions: MonthsUntil, DaysUntil, and HoursUntil. wherein I can input date value then the functions will return the number of months until the date, days until the date, or hours until the date as appropriate.
  20. blackbirdMIT

    Writing a Stored Procedure

    BogdanMBM: Thanks for your quick reply. Let me show you my first sproc, then tell me what you think. Stored Procedure ---------- CREATE Proc InsertCaution_VIEW @OilID int, @CautionID int as INSERT INTO OilCautions (OilID, CautionID) VALUES (@OilID,@CautionID) SELECT * FROM Cautions_View...

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