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Search results for query: *

  1. ccshadow

    SmartPart SQL Connection

    I'm using SmartPart to embed a 3rd party grid control into a SharePoint page. Everything went fairly smooth considering this is the first time I've attempted it. However, the grid isn't loading data. I'm using SmartPart to embed a 3rd party grid control into a SharePoint page. Everything went...
  2. ccshadow

    User Control Error

    Thanks for the direction. This user control will ultimately be embedded in a SharePoint site using the SmartPart. Given this, is one method preferred over another? If it gets added to SharePoint, I wouldn't necessarily know the name used in order to use FindControl. Wouldn't I need to use...
  3. ccshadow

    User Control Error

    I forgot to include the text of the error... It kinda seems like it's not able to access the dll for the 3rd party grid. ? Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'DataSource' is not a member of 'ASP.goals_ascx'. Source Error: Line 27: Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader...
  4. ccshadow

    User Control Error

    I've created a user control page containing a third-party grid. The code works fine when the grid is embedded in a regular ASP.NET page. However, errors are being thrown once I add the same grid as an .ascx control to a page. This is the first time I've created a user control so I'm hoping...
  5. ccshadow

    Pass SharePoint User Info To Reporting Services

    Never mind. I believe I stumbled across a solution. For anyone else that might be having the same or similar problem... In the Expressions dialog box is a Global variable UserId. I haven't worked with RS much so I didn't even know it was there, but it works on the report server and in native...
  6. ccshadow

    Pass SharePoint User Info To Reporting Services

    Is it possible to pass SharePoint user info from an intranet into Reporting Services? I'm creating a report with sales data. The report needs to be filtered based upon the user accessing the report. For example, if the user is a Director, she would be able to view all sales for all...
  7. ccshadow

    Counting Specific Rows

    I'm new to Reporting Services so this may be a painfully simple question to answer. The report I'm creating needs to count rows that reach certain criteria. For example, counting the number of rows where the days worked is greater than 5. Seems like the following should work, but it doesn't...
  8. ccshadow

    Populate DropDownList w/ GridView Header Text

    Yes! I played around with the GetType, but just couldn't get it to cooperate. Thanks so much!
  9. ccshadow

    Populate DropDownList w/ GridView Header Text

    Well this is the closest it's come to working! One problem though. It throws an error if I leave my template or command fields in the gridview. Works get if I delete those. ??
  10. ccshadow

    Populate DropDownList w/ GridView Header Text

    I have a GridView bound with an SQLDataSource. Search functionality for the GridView needs to be added through the use of a DropDownList containing all of the visible fields from the GridView, in addition to a textbox for search text. I want to avoid hard coding the values in the DropDownList...
  11. ccshadow

    Sorting Gridview w/o DataSource

    Actually it's in the onSorting. That was one of the first things I thought - that it was being called somewhere else. I do have a bindGrid() sub that I call on PageLoad, but only when Not IsPostback. And the grdUsers_Sort is only associated with the control in the HTML code. I kept thinking...
  12. ccshadow

    Sorting Gridview w/o DataSource

    Either way I essentially get the same info by virture of the volume of trace statements I entered. The problem comes in because the grdUsers_Sort function executes twice on a header click. Is my code causing this issue or is this to be expected?
  13. ccshadow

    Sorting Gridview w/o DataSource

    I have been checking the trace files. For some reason the grdUsers_Sort seems to trigger twice. The first time it sets the ViewState to 'columnName ASC' and the second time it sets it to 'columnName DESC'. I discovered this because when I clicked a header it was sorting on DESC when it should...
  14. ccshadow

    Sorting Gridview w/o DataSource

    I have a Gridview populated with a DataTable that I store in the Session. I'm trying to sort the columns, but have only been able to get it to partially work. When I click on a header the first time it sorts as expected, but thereafter doesn't do anything. I'm attempting to store the current...
  15. ccshadow

    Selecting dupllicate values

    Taking a break from a problem always seem to help. I figured it out. Thanks for asking for more info. Gave me a reason to take a fresh look.
  16. ccshadow

    Selecting dupllicate values

    I misstated this. It grabs the CDV when it shouldn't because the filter for subreq occurs last.
  17. ccshadow

    Selecting dupllicate values

    I haven't posted database values before so hopefully this is what you were referring to. I've removed some of the columns just to simplify things. The data below is sample data that shows all entries for a specific account number. Within these results I'm interested in the entries where an...
  18. ccshadow

    Selecting dupllicate values

    After several hours of trying to figure this out, I confess that I need help. I have an SQL statement that performs a few joins based upon whether or not a value does not have duplicates in a combination of columns from the main table. For example, a customer account number can have several...
  19. ccshadow

    Retrieve records with duplicate values in more than 1 column

    I doubt anyone else would be helped by this info, but someone successfully assisted me with this problem. See code below. SELECT mr.tDate, mr.account, mr.lob, mr.subreq, mr.reason, mr.inPkg, mr.outPkg, dip.inPkgStatus, dop.outPkgStatus, dr.reasonStatus, mr.comp, mr.comments...
  20. ccshadow

    Retrieve records with duplicate values in more than 1 column

    Wish I could say that worked, but it's still grabbing duplicate lobs for account entries.

Part and Inventory Search
