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Search results for query: *

  1. toptomato

    Safari looses session

    so after some debuggin, it seems that that session info is only missing in firefox and safari browsers regardless of platform
  2. toptomato

    Safari looses session

    hi, i have a http handler class that implements: IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState in the class we are accessing session. Which works fine in IE, however on safari, i am loosing values for all the session variables. Session is not null, however, all the session variables are loosing values...
  3. toptomato

    relative urls

    hi, on my development machine the url to the common images is following: http://localhost/Prototype/StoreFront/CommonImages/ I have two pages: http://localhost/Prototype/StoreFront/index.aspx & http://localhost/Prototype/StoreFront/Public/category.aspx both of the above pages have a image...
  4. toptomato

    HTC question:

    I have an scrolling div enclosed in an atlas update panel. after a callback, the div scrolls to the top. After months of research i found the only way to fix it was through HTC. I don't know much about HTC, but i tried implementing it unsuccessfully. If you guys to look over the code and give...
  5. toptomato

    newbee question want to set a value of text box to the value of a rb

    hi, i am trying to set a value of a text box to the value of the radio button when radio button is click. below is what i am trying to do: <script type="text/JavaScript" > function SetValue(of, to) { if (document.getElementById(of) != null && document.getElementById(to) != null) {...
  6. toptomato

    ASP.net 2.0 Forms Authentication spordically fails.

    I have ASP.net 2.0 Forms authentication enabled: My web config settings are: __________________________________________________ <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/SSLPublic/Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true"...
  7. toptomato

    xml file won't display unless it has xml extenstion

    hi folks i am trying to generate RSS (xml output) through asp.net I perfer the page to have the aspx extention. The page (rss.aspx) out puts xml by means of: Response.Write("<<proper rss xml here>>"); Response.End(); however in the browser (both ie and netscape) it doesn't display the out...
  8. toptomato

    asp.net 2.0 @ Register tag question

    Hi folks, wondering if someone can help me with this. Is it possible to define Src attribute for the @Register tag at runtime. below is an example of @Register tag, and i want to be able to specify the src (somefile.ascx) attribute at runtime <%@ Register Src="somefile.ascx" TagName="c1"...
  9. toptomato

    saving transparent images in ASP.net 2.0 C#

    thanks again ca8msm, i had minor success. i was able to get the transperency however, it only seems to be processing only the first quarter of an image from left. I will keep working at it. in the mean time, any suggestion is welcome
  10. toptomato

    saving transparent images in ASP.net 2.0 C#

    thanks, ca8msm, your links were helpful however the issue remains the same. I was able to make the images transparent however when saved as png the black background remain. I was also able to change the black background to any other color by g.Clear(Color.Blue); before drawing the image (in...
  11. toptomato

    saving transparent images in ASP.net 2.0 C#

    Hi guys, any thoughts on the above ^^^^^
  12. toptomato

    saving transparent images in ASP.net 2.0 C#

    Hi folks, Thanks in advance to all of you geniouses. Here is what I am doing: This is an ASP.net 2.0 with C# problem. I am reading an image file (either: gif, jpg or png of any dimension) as such: Image rImg = Image.FromFile(RawFilePath) Next I create a Bitmap and extract graphic as such: Bitmap...
  13. toptomato

    regex needed for text box

    Hi guys, i can believe i spent 2 hours and still can get it right. all i need is a reg ex that would allow on alphanumeric or empty spaces in the text box. the following does not work: ^[\w\d\s]* Since this also allows &, ^ and what not. help
  14. toptomato

    ASP.net and Table Variables in ASP.net 2.0

    Hi guys i am having problem using stored proc that contain table variables while developing in VS2005. I use a table variable in one of the stored procedure: Declare @TempTable Table (RowNumber int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar(50)) In VS 2005 when creating a table adapter it given an...
  15. toptomato

    building a light(small) SQL Search engine to search products database

    Hi, I am attempting to build a small scale (light weight) SQL search engine (basically a stored procedure) to search through Products Table. I am passing a search string, which i break up by the ' ' (space) delimiter. next for each [value] (after breaking up) in the search string I want to be...
  16. toptomato

    Can bindable properties be created for a User Control

    Hi I have a user control with the following property: [Bindable(true), Category("Data"), DefaultValue("")] public int TotalNumber { get { return (....); } set { (...) = value; } } Now theoratically if i put...
  17. toptomato

    unable to Runas /profile /user:MyComputer\ASPNET cmd

    dear ca8msm, can you please elaborate on as to how asp.net 2.0 encrypts webconfigs on its own.
  18. toptomato

    unable to Runas /profile /user:MyComputer\ASPNET cmd

    well i am trying to encrypt the connection string in the webconfig using Using RSA with a User-level Key Container. Because the application must access the data using the same identity that you used to encrypt the data, you often need to run the encryption command using your application's...
  19. toptomato

    unable to Runas /profile /user:MyComputer\ASPNET cmd

    thanks in advance to every one I am trying to run a command in command prompt under ASPNET account. But it prompts me for a password. What should i do. Help.
  20. toptomato

    same tricky date time question

    ah, i am stuck, i hate to convert the datetime column into string column since the webservice sends the dataset and in order to send datetime as string i would have to convert the whole column into string column. Any other alternative any one. Could localization or cultures in AsP.net can come...

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