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Search results for query: *

  1. hithere

    translate to asp/vbscript

    just a thought regarding connections. if this is a database you're going to be calling often, it might be a good idea for you to create a functions page and do an include at the top of your page so you can make the call without having to re-type the connection everytime. "Where's the...
  2. hithere

    asp/js? - refresh just one of two frames on form submit?

    all righty, here we go then! been awhile since I've done programming so (of course!) got handed a HUGE project that I'm in the very start of (and while losing hair trying to figure out table structure, I'm trying to remember how to program!). the question: I have a form in the top frame of a...
  3. hithere

    ASP - Updating Database Field

    I'm not sure how detailed I need to be for you (what your experience is) so I hope this covers it. I program in VBscript which is similar to VB so this will be similar to what you need but may not be exact. Create a call to the database to establish what the value of "Good" and "Bad" are. i.e...
  4. hithere

    Session Variables holds Order Number - pressing BACK KEY is a problem

    here's article about the disable back thing with some ideas around it etc. http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/a.aspx?u=http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/111500-1.shtml hth "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  5. hithere

    Session Variables holds Order Number - pressing BACK KEY is a problem

    jjbrad, awhile back (no pun intended), we found ourselves wanting to disable the back and/or the X(close window) buttons. I remember that I looked all over the 'net and googled a lot trying to find code to do it to no avail. I vaguely remember an article that discussed that it had been...
  6. hithere

    create outlook appointment from asp?

    not being a server guy I'm out of my depth here but...just as a stab at it. I would think that if you can find the COM object that is being used, you install that (or them) onto the server and get by. Anybody know servers that can answer better? free outlook? from M$ - pull the other one...
  7. hithere

    create outlook appointment from asp?

    Not sure since it's an active x error. would make me wonder if there's an update to the outlook version that's being run or the server components as the code may trying to use a control that's not there (installed). have you googled the error #? I would also, as mentioned in a previous post...
  8. hithere

    create outlook appointment from asp?

    I was using VBscript. "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  9. hithere

    create outlook appointment from asp?

    Cool! Thanks! mb "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  10. hithere

    create outlook appointment from asp?

    not exactly. I found a page that gave some explanation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnserv/html/server122898.asp but haven't really had opportunity to try putting it into practice yet. when I found this, we then started switching to cdonts as a first...
  11. hithere

    Timeout expired

    no problem. ummm...running out of ideas here. Just to be sure (okay, and basic), you've verified that all the data is correct? nothing in there that would be nonsense to the sql statement and cause it to hang? i.e. a cust_id entered incorrectly etc, etc. one other thought almost completely...
  12. hithere

    Timeout expired

    this is going to sound silly but....move that script time out to the top of the page (if this select statement's not already close to the top) and see if that works. from the reading I'm doing, I keep seeing it repeated that it needs to be at the top. (sorry, I forgot that bit. not something I...
  13. hithere

    Timeout expired

    RS.Open strSQL, Conn need the 1 at the end of Conn becasue you opened it as: Conn1.Open "DSN=sql..... that may not be the only problem but it's the first thing I saw. "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  14. hithere

    Timeout expired

    post your code so we can take a look. we might be able to see something and help ya' that way. "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  15. hithere

    Timeout expired

    it's a server setting so whomever sets up and maintains the server your working with would set that. i'm not sure where it actually is set. doing a quick google I came up with this link that you may find helpful. http://forums.devshed.com/archive/51/2003/7/4/72998 hth mb "Where's the...
  16. hithere

    How to send a submitted form to an email address?

    yes, it is possible. you'll need to know which email component is installed on the server. That will determine the exact syntax that you would need. CDONTS and JMail are a couple of the most common and their syntax is very similar. code below doesn't include sending as an attachment but will...
  17. hithere

    Timeout expired

    yes, you can reset the timeout on the server but before you consider doing that, check your code and see if you have an error in the code. one thing in particular that I would look for is a loop where you didn't specify to move to the next record (I did that one a lot when I started learning...
  18. hithere

    Application or Local variable?

    would that be better than setting a cookie on the client machine? that would avoid extra (unnecessary) server connections, you could set the default language that would be requested based on a value in the cookie, when new translations are available the client can change to a new preference...
  19. hithere

    Access db connection works on ws but not server

    don't know if this is the cause but...may be worth checking out. http://www.aspemporium.com/aspEmporium/help/helpsys.asp?PRB022 "Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!" Marvin the Martian
  20. hithere

    Design Question

    the only way I've been able to work around the dang FP scrambling of tags was to code it within the .asp instead of leaving it in the html. it seems to leave that code (the .asp) alone so whatever order/spacing you have stays. since your going to pull it from a db anyway, you could have a...

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