Can you plz tell me how could we find the address of physical memory when getting a logical one( and vise versa ) and relation between pages of memory.
Thanks to all.
You can use Office with your C++ by using automation.
By doing this you can add for example mswordx.olb wich will give you all the functions you want to use winword.
in mswordx.olb x designs the version of your office(9 for office 2000)
For exel you have exelx.olb and so on.
I want to get messages from the printer in a hook application and I want to know what are the corresponding events that I can catch befor printing a page and just after a page is printed (StartPage and EndPage).
if you have any other ways to do this will be helpfull for me.
Thanks to all of you.
There is many ways to do what you want and I think the simple is do it whith a CString cause it facilitate the search. Here is ,at the glance what could it be like.
I hope it will be helpfull.
Suppose you have opened your textfile Using a CFile file
CString str;
I'm interesting at the same thing as you that's my problem too to get a selected text from an other application.If you want to get a selected text from just an edit view you can send a message WM_GETSELTEXT to the window you want to get text from.But this will not work with IExplorer.
For the...
how can I get text and images from my asp page.Is there a way I can get text and Image pasted by the user from MsWord some where in my page.I got no problem with text but with Images and other media.
Thanks to all.
If you want to use word in your application:
In your project go to Class wizard and select Automation in the Tab,Click the Add class and select from a type library then select msword9.olb from where you installed your winword.After thet in the list shown you can choose what you want to do (If...
I want to use an OCR in my application So I want to know if ther's an OCX or something else wich could help me. Any other information about this subject will be helpfull.
Thanks to all
Many applications use the keys CTRL + C (the control key + the C key)to put the selected text to the clipboard.Could some one tell me the parameters to send CTRL+C key to an application and force it to put the selected text and thanks.
Look what you want to mean with your pie if it is a value or a function.It is declared as an int value and it is used as function.And there is no need to instanciate the formula(Formula A) cause you are in this class and the variables you used and the function are all members of Formula class I...
How could I read or write a specific sector of a hard disk or floppy using Visual C++.I did it with the assembler and I would like to know how it is with C++.
Thanks to you.
Is there any other way to get a selected text from a window other than edit or richEdit window or pass the selected text to the clipboard.Here's what I want:
I want to program something like a dictionnary,I made a Hook application and it worked only for those 2 types of windows(edit and...
I would like to know an event or method to get a selected text from any window (Not only edit or richedit ctl).I tried with edit and richedit and i want to generalize it for any other window(For example an iexplorer window).
Thanks a lot.
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