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Search results for query: *

  1. jmerencilla

    hi guys. i just wat to know if it i

    hi guys. i just wat to know if it is possible to kill a cetaing task, say iexplore.exe, on a remote computer. i dont know if this info will help but i am the administrator of that remote computer. thanks jun
  2. jmerencilla

    hi guys. I'm having problems genera

    hi guys. I'm having problems generating the proper t-sql statement that will convert the following result select name from users name ------------- User1 User2 User3 User4 to this result User1 | User2 | User3 | User4 ----------------------------- User1 User2 User3 User4 pls help...
  3. jmerencilla

    Java to VB converter

    thanks hologram. i also found another link (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/dotnet_movingjavaapps.asp) on the microsoft website that discusses some pointers on how to properly move java applications to .Net. -jun
  4. jmerencilla

    Java to VB converter

    Hi guys. I am a VB programmer and I honestly have no knowledge in Java development. I just want to know if you guys have any idea how i can convert a certain java application (i think it is in .jar file format) to VB, preferably VB.Net. A colleague developed this certain java application and...
  5. jmerencilla

    SQL's Data Manipulation Object equivalent for Oracle

    hi. would you guys know the Oracles' equivalent for sql's Data Manipulation Object(SQLDMO.dll)? as you would know, this object allows any developer to manipulate a certain database using any programming language. i am currently creating a wizard-like application which allows the user to select a...
  6. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    Hi NK and Amit, It's been a while since my last log-in here in tek-tips. sorry about that. Anyway, I have not tried using memo datatypes for my fields. Have you tried consulting with the knowledge base of crystal decisions(http://support.crystaldecisions.com/library/kbase.asp)? I usually consult...
  7. jmerencilla

    bounded checkboxex on a datagrid

    hi guys. i need to populate a datagrid which fields are bounded a dataset. this datagrid includes a checkbox and should get its values from the dataset also. my problem is, since my checkbox is not bounded to a certain fields at design time (it is a Template Column), how will it know that it...
  8. jmerencilla

    From EXE to SERVICE

    hi guys. would you know how to convert a fairly simple exe application, which serves as a listerner, into a service? thanks. -jun
  9. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    really Amit? i've been having some problems with the convertion because it takes too much time just to convert my dataset to datatable. i'll try to modify my code. thanks jun
  10. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    hi akohli. just a question. have you converted your dataset to a DataTable? i read somewhere before that you need to explicitly convert your dataset (the end-product of your stored procs) into a datatable first before you can use your data and push it to the report. thanks, jun
  11. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    hello again. i have a question to ask. how do you create an instance of your report at run-time? i think the ReportDocument is the same class that you call to create an instance of a report. i just dont know how you'll instantiate your report using vb. eg.: 'VB .Net Dim rpt As New MyReport()...
  12. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    oppsss...i thought you were using CR for .Net? but i dont think that is the case. anyway, here are the references that i included in my project to access the ReportDocument object in VB .Net: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine the ReportDocument object is included in the...
  13. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    hi NK! here are some codes which you may find helpful in running your subreport. Dim rpt As New MyReport() 'MyReport is my main report; create an instance of it Dim objSubreport As ReportDocument objSubreport = rpt.OpenSubreport("my_subreport.rpt") 'my_subreport.rpt is my physical...
  14. jmerencilla

    Nth Week of the Month

    thanks guys. i appreciate the help. now if you'll excuse me, i need some codes test :-) 'till next time Jun E. Merencilla, MCP
  15. jmerencilla

    Nth Week of the Month

    thanks strongm. :-) i already did that. unfortunately, i found none. though i found some codes but i cannot combine them to arrive at my desired output. :-)
  16. jmerencilla

    Nth Week of the Month

    thanks FRoeCassNet. :-) i copied your code but it gives me this error 'For' loop control variable cannot be of type 'Date'. any other suggestions? :-)
  17. jmerencilla

    Nth Week of the Month

    thanks MichaelRed. :-) but honestly, i dont get your idea. can you give me some sample code to fast track me on this one? as i understand, you want me to create an enum list which contains the weeks. the problem with this is any date can be provided. doing so will create a huge list of week...
  18. jmerencilla

    Nth Week of the Month

    hi. given a certain date (say, May 4, 2003), i want to know in what week number of the month it falls under. my function should return 2nd week of May. would you guys know how to do it? please help. thanks. -jun
  19. jmerencilla

    hi. i'm trying to generate an excel

    hi. i'm trying to generate an excel file via ASP .Net. however, i got the following error when i run my web application, Access is denied. the error happens at this line of code, Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application. after tinker with the DCOM configurations, i was able to resolve this problem...
  20. jmerencilla

    Programming Subreport

    thanks synapsevampire. would you have any other sources? my method of generating a report is different from the one that you provided. i think this method is only applicable using the "pull method". so far, i have accomplished displaying a simple report using my method (push method...

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