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  1. sijgs

    Prevent debugger to step into specific code.

    YAH_BUT! O.K. I agree THAT price is not "overwhelming". But I bought the Kylix version for $xxxx and then they reduced the price to $xxx and when I bitched they said o.k. we'll give you this and that, but essentially I lost $500/ Nonetheless, where did it start that you can't acess files with...
  2. sijgs

    help with USB component

    An explanation of "why you can't use it" and "my application" would be prudent here. Firstly, we have no clue what your application is/does Secondly, "I'm not able to use it" is ambiguous. Does that mean, 1) you implemented the code and it doesn't work 2) you can't figure out how to integrate...
  3. sijgs

    Prevent debugger to step into specific code.

    I think what you're asking for is like the VB "set next instruction pointer" (or essentially that).... I've wished for this myself as the same thing happened to me.... "don't do 'this' while I'm debugging...." I tried every option available to see if there was a way to "skip" or "set" but to...
  4. sijgs

    Text search loop with 2 known endpoints

    Ryan: Well the end point of a <TD.... is a </TD>, so right there you have a start and an end. Beyond that, <A href= is a start point and </A> is an endpoint out of which you can extract "BUDDY NAME GOES HERE" If there are multiple TD /TD pairs, search each one out, and then loop on the A /A...
  5. sijgs

    FormKeyDown with other component focused !?

    You could put a procedure in like: procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin Edit2.SetFocus; Key := #$0; end; and pull the focus away from edit1 Regards and HTH, JGS
  6. sijgs


    Found this code on the web and saved it... haven't tried it yet. This code basically starts/stops the webservice. Uses WinSvc; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var sc_h, sc_man : SC_HANDLE; begin sc_man := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SERVICE_START); if sc_man = 0 then...
  7. sijgs

    Any equivalent to the old Pascal &quot;keypressed&quot;?

    OLVTM: You could draw your circle continuously by using a timer and vary the interval to vary the speed at which it's drawn. At that point, onbuttonclicks could be used to change the color etc. Would advise a Timer1.Enabled := False; : button click event code Timer1.Enabled := True; in...
  8. sijgs

    Indy Components

    Gary: Does your code typed in like mine not compile??? Mine compiles... AND, The help said that TIdTCPClient is a derivative of TIdTCPConnection which has Binding in it. If you wouldn't mind.... just stick the code in there and tell me what happens, no compile, Address exception or??? If...
  9. sijgs

    Indy Components

    00thaphay: Forgot to mention you'll need WinSock in the uses list. JGS
  10. sijgs

    Indy Components

    00thaphay: I don't know if this will work, but it won't take long to try. Basically if ReadLn isn't timing-out, the only way I know to make it not "wait" is by setting the socket to non-blocking. This MAY do it... put this code in your timer event prior to the readln and give 'er a shot...
  11. sijgs

    Indy Components

    00thaphay: The help states: const ATimeout: integer = IdTimeoutInfinite Time-out in milliseconds. Default value IdTimeoutInfinite. (-2) : : Use a custom time-out (ATimeout) value to change the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from the peer connection before a time-out occurs...
  12. sijgs

    passing strings to stored procedures

    delfy: Any chance that data contains x'00'? Chances are the SQL server is written in VC++ and even though Delphi can handle strings with x'00' embedded in them, C will stop short. Regards and HTH, JGS
  13. sijgs

    Indy Components

    00Thaphay: I don't see any inherent problem as the code is almost identical to the demo, however: What is the value of your timer in Milliseconds? If this timer is short (mine are always 250 MS give or take) then you should do the following: Procedure TForm.Timer1Timer(Sender:TObject); Var...
  14. sijgs

    OpenDialog.execute lock the folder

    FamWS: add OpenDialog1.Options := [ofNoChangeDir]; either in code or set it in the options if it is on your form. Tested it both ways and was able to rename the directory immediately with the test app still running. 1. Var OpenDialog1 : TOpenDialog; : : Begin OpenDialog1 :=...
  15. sijgs

    Newbie question: what's the best version to start wtih?

    SilverSpecV: With all due respect for my learned colleagues, I have stuck with D6. The reasons are these: I do a lot of TCP/IP programming and it does it. I do a lot of direct serial port access and it does it. I haven't a CLUE what to do with .NET (eh, call me old fashioned) It's CHEAP...
  16. sijgs

    terminate application if condition not met

    AP81: Thank you for your appreciation. Although other posts have suggested alternative methods of "termination", one must stop to realize that during FormCreate, "we're not all there yet". Yes, abrupt (I'm an ol' mainframer so we call it abend) termination of the program can cause some...
  17. sijgs

    terminate application if condition not met

    Adam: I put together a little test: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MessageDlg('Going to quit', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); Halt; end; And it's not there in the task manager afterward. Regards and HTH, JGS
  18. sijgs

    load my app at windows startup

    I got a slightly different version from somewhere.... maybe a combination of the two??? //================================================= //Run/Runonce program at system startup //================================================= Procedure OnStartup (const PgmTitle, CmdLine: String; RunOnce...
  19. sijgs

    Reading files of any size in Delphi

    A little more information would be helpful.... do you want to read the whole file into memory at once? Does it NEED to all be in memory at once? .. or .. is it a record oriented file? .. or is it a variable-length-delimeted file .. or .. ???? When you say "...any size", is that record size...
  20. sijgs

    whats the best way to do this ??

    Tnx Aaron .... guess we "all" have snippet buckets ... JGS

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