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  • Users: ithic
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  1. ithic

    Threading DLLs

    I'm trying to use ActiveWire and it's usb dll, but I'm having a little trouble. In the documentation it says... "If your application needs to open 2 or more devices, create threads, load DLL in each thread, then open device with different devnum." However, in Windows when I use...
  2. ithic

    destruction before return

    I am just as confused as you are. A good reference would be apmatrix by the collegeboard. You can get it at: http://www.collegeboard.com/ap/students/compsci/classes.html But thing is, that doesn't support *... It does however have a apstring that supports +, but that's still not the same. I...
  3. ithic

    destruction before return

    Not exactly sure, but try overloading: template <class itemType> matrix<itemType> operator * ( const matrix<itemType> &lhs, const matrix<itemType> &rhs ) { } instead.
  4. ithic

    Pause program execution at runtime

    (FYI) Sleep is included in windows.h #include <windows.h>
  5. ithic

    Pie Chart plotting ?

    These should get you started: Creating Dynamic Images (tutorial): http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/rasmus19990124.php3 Image functions (reference): http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php These functions might be important (look up in reference): imagearc -- Draw a partial ellipse...
  6. ithic

    Problems with Checkboxes

    http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/communicator/jsref/evnt23.htm Look into this
  7. ithic

    using visual c++

    Okay.. Click &quot;File&quot; Select &quot;New&quot; Under the tab: &quot;Projects&quot; You'll see a whole bunch of choices. The one you are probably looking for is... &quot;Win32 Console Application&quot; Select that one and then enter a &quot;Project Name&quot; (which is the text box...
  8. ithic

    Help With Errors...

    Continuing explanation of semi-colon being the end of a statement For example: int x; x = 12 ; is equivelent to int x; x=12;
  9. ithic

    Help With Errors...

    Ah.. okay for the extension. : ) But as for the continuing errors: You are missing your semi-colons. Those declare the end of a statement and must be there. Unlike BASIC or a few other languages, an end line does not signify the completion of a statement... tminutes = tseconds/60; //<-- that...
  10. ithic

    Help With Errors...

    Oh - and btw. You probably should name your files something.cpp... Some compilers may identify the type of &quot;compilation&quot; used by the file's extention. .c = C .cpp = C++
  11. ithic

    Help With Errors...

    cin >> tseconds; You're missing a semi-colon... When assigning value to a variable, it's the variable on the left and then value on the right int x; x = 12; // will assign x to 12 12 = x; // This does NOT work So what you want to do is change tseconds/60 = tminutes; to tminutest =...
  12. ithic

    Finding Array Addresses

    ACK! Screwed up a bit. Sorry :X All these posts are me.. Haha.. - the last + numRows for 4 & 5? It's supposed to be + numCols... Sorry..
  13. ithic

    Finding Array Addresses

    for 5: start_address + ( ( ( i * numRows * numCols * numZs * numZ2s ) + ( j * numRows * numCols * numZs ) + ( k * numRows * numCols) + ( l * numRows ) + m ) * sizeof( int ) ) Hope this helped. Hope you get it too :/
  14. ithic

    Finding Array Addresses

    For 4: start_address + ( ( ( i * numRows * numCols * numZs ) + ( j * numRows * numCols ) + ( k * numRows ) + l ) * sizeof( int ) )
  15. ithic

    Finding Array Addresses

    Mmm :/ I think your second formula is off... start_address + (k ( j + (i * NumRows)) * NumCols) * sizeof( int ) it's actually supposed to be... start_address + (((i * numRows * numCols ) + ( j * numCols) + k) * sizeof( int ))
  16. ithic

    Finding Array Addresses

    Address of A[i][j] = start_address + ( ( j + (i*NumCols)) *sizeof(int) ) Assuming A is 4x4 A[0][0] = 0 A[0][1] = 1 A[0][2] = 2 A[0][3] = 3 A[1][0] = 4 A[1][1] = 5 A[1][2] = 6 ... A[4][3] = 14 A[4][4] = 15 then in addressing it will look like: ADDRESS: [start_address, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5...
  17. ithic

    Variable limit problem with large number conversions

    This may or may not help... The function you might be wanted is in stdio.h: int getchar( void ) What that will do is return (each/the next) char from the standard input (AKA stdin). eg. Persay the user the user &quot;1100010&quot; char c = getchar(); while( c != EOF ) { putchar( c )...
  18. ithic

    Cause the close 'cross' button to hide my window instead of destroy it

    Override the window process and on WM_CLOSE, hide the window as opposed to PostQuitMessage.
  19. ithic

    SetWindowsHookEx lost when switching appl

    http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookex.asp &quot;An error may occur if the hMod parameter is NULL and the dwThreadId parameter is zero or specifies the identifier of a thread created by another...
  20. ithic

    Global DLL Variables?

    Figured it out. Ignore this post.

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