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Search results for query: *

  1. marcon

    Why DatePart not working?

    Thanks for your response. unfortunately this is before I grouped the data. This is an access97 database running on xp. I wonder if that has something to do with it.
  2. marcon

    Why DatePart not working?

    It sure looks straight forward butI keep getting errors. Ultimately, I want to group sales by week, but in just testing this function I keep getting an error. Read and reread the help files.... Any insight or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks! SalesDate is a date/time data type Sales is...
  3. marcon

    Does Data Mining Do This?

    Thank you. Excellent advice! I will post what happens. Just about to look at Jan and February.
  4. marcon

    Does Data Mining Do This?

    Thanks for the feedback! jtm111 has pretty much described the choices as they actually exist. On one hand, I am being urged to piggy back a Six Sigma project onto what I am working on, but realistic modeling the of variables and communicating that complexity to customers and management is an...
  5. marcon

    Way Around Delete Query Not Working

    Yes I am opening access up on the server. Thanks for the response!
  6. marcon

    Way Around Delete Query Not Working

    I have an access db on another server and when I try and run or save the delete query from my desk an error occurs. It indicates that access is looking for the database on my c drive. Is there away around this? Do I have to copy it on my c drive save the query and then put it back out there...
  7. marcon

    Does Data Mining Do This?

    I am working with demand patterns and the seasonality of products. For example, I want to categorize products as having a certain selling pattern. For example. Picture a bar graph with months on x axis and unit demand on y axis, forming a bell curve. Are there data mining tools that would tell...
  8. marcon

    Spool error ORA-01722: invalid number

    Thanks Robbie, nice quote!
  9. marcon

    Spool error ORA-01722: invalid number

    I am trying to create a comma delimited file but I get ORA-01722: invalid number error. Looked on line, in book, in Faq for solution with no luck, suspect syntax. Can anyone spot my error? Also loc is a VARCHAR2 field. Do I need to include " around it? Any guidance appreciated! SET...
  10. marcon

    2 dim array not sure what is happening

    never mind got it thanks
  11. marcon

    2 dim array not sure what is happening

    I have a 2 dim array where strcpy puts AB in the left column and CD in the right. It looks like it is working but when I dump the contents of the array I don't get what I want. I want it to print what you see below. AB AB AB AB AB AB AB CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Any help greatly appreciated...
  12. marcon

    Possible to send an ATTACHED HTML file

    I am tasked with specifically sending an html attachment and not an HTML email or text file or anything else. I can cannot seem to send an HTML file attached to an email. I get an "unspecified error". Is it possible to send an HTML attachment? the method below works fine with a...
  13. marcon

    SQL Statement for finding the MODE

    Thanks for both responses and especially the rain drop analogy!
  14. marcon

    SQL Statement for finding the MODE

    Does anyone know how to write a statment that returns the mode from a group of records? ( mode being 50% of values are above and 50% are below) Or is this something not really suited for sql? Any help or direction greatly appreciated.
  15. marcon

    Formating test string in body of email

    I am being asked to put a table in the body of an email message. Everything should line up nicely in columns. The data comes from an unformated string. Ex Customer, Part, DateStart, DateEnd, Discount. Of course the length of each field varies so it does not look like a table. ex Greg...
  16. marcon

    Any ideas on How to turn file into string ? Access97

    I have to stick a text string into the body of an email for about 200 people. Each text string will be different. I'm thinking I will open a recordset, convert the contents to a text string and put it in a string variable. I realize there are other ways to do things but I am specifically being...
  17. marcon

    Acc97 Error Item not found in collection

    This is a perplexing one. I have 2 functions made up of nearly identical code that transfers 2 identical text files into two identical tables. In fact the only difference in these two functions is one references "..ThisYear" and the other "LastYear". One works and the other...
  18. marcon

    How to copy name of query from Queries Tab in Access

    I want to call about 20 queries in a module , is there a way to copy just the name of the query? Right click, rename, highlight and control c does not work. Any help appreciated1
  19. marcon

    How to fill vector of objects with stuff

    This is part of my school work but the class is over and now I am just posessed with making it work. I have a .dat file that looks like this : 1 D d1.bmp except there are 52 of these groups of three. I also have a vector of objects where I want to take each group of three data and stick...
  20. marcon

    Practical Use of Views

    Thanks for the response. I'm sorry I was not clear. From a resource standpoint, when is it impractical to use a view? For example , if a query is based on views, is there a point where the queries should be based on tables to save time? Any general guidelines?

Part and Inventory Search
