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Search results for query: *

  1. fmuquartet

    Process Archived Files

    MikeLacey-- Initally, your example is how I was doing things, but the requirements changed where I needed individual files parsed, instead of one file containing the parsed data. So no I am passing the data in a for loop: for file in `ls -1 *.txt` do cat $i |perlscript.pl > ADD_$i-`date...
  2. fmuquartet

    Process Archived Files

    Greetings! I have a new requirement for a small shell scrip that I want to convert over to perl as follows: 1)unzip files in the format 'file-`date +%Y%m%d`.zip' into Spool DIR 2)parse each file with a perl script and append prefix ADD on them e.g ADD_file-`date +%Y%m%d`.zip 3) package...
  3. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    Now, that the script has revolved, in terms of check if a file exist in the following format 'FILE-`date +%Y%m%d`.zip' and runs 5 minutes after mid-night, I need a way of check if the file exist before pulling a new file. I have tried: if [[ -f /home/user/FILE-`date +%Y%m%d`.zip ]]; then...
  4. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    Many thanks, Annihilannic.
  5. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    Annihilannic-- Thanks for the follow-up, but when I run the command from the shell script, for some reason the zip is being omitted, as for the same zip file, I can change this later, I am just try to get the command to run successfully at this point.
  6. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    However, I do have another issue as follows: I am wanting to run remote commands with this same script as follows, but the results are not the same as running in the shell. ssh remote-server 'find /usr/sap/reporting -mtime +0 -name "*.txt" -exec zip /var/tmp/file {} \;' For some reason -exec...
  7. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    Thanks, this seems to have helped, I guess I can added to this later.
  8. fmuquartet

    SFTP Script

    Greetings! I have revised a simple script for connecting to a remote server and zipping files and then pulling them to a local server, I now need help implement some logic to send notification if files on the remove machine aren't present. ***INFO*** ERROR when there are no files: Archiving...
  9. fmuquartet


    KevenADC-- I have 2 issues here: the document is protected as to why I need to enter LDAP account info when prompted, Secondly I need to specify the proxy for getting out to site. I have made changes to my script to accommodate these requirements but still is not working as expected...
  10. fmuquartet


    Please observer the script below that monitors my remote Apaches. I am having a problem modifying the script for two new authentication mechanism that were put in place. 1) I need to script to specify a proxy server (no userid or passwd required). 2) When prompt for authentication dialog box...
  11. fmuquartet

    Strip Logs

    LKBrwnDBA -- Would have never know it would be this easy, this resolved my problem and has cleaned my logs. Thanks!
  12. fmuquartet

    Log parsing

    Steve I will give this a try and let you know my findings! Many thanks.
  13. fmuquartet

    Log parsing

    This is great, except for I am wanting to REMOVE any line in the access log which contains a '-' in the 3rd position completely from the access.log. so if I have multiple entries like this: - - [02/Jul/2008:10:28:26 -0500] "GET - - [02/Jul/2008:10:28:26 -0500]...
  14. fmuquartet

    Redirect http://cognos.ejiw.com to http://cognos.ejiw.com/c8

    What about change to 'Redirect / http://cognos.ejiw.com/c8'
  15. fmuquartet


    Yes. In fact place these variable before the log file entry and did a graceful restart on the server. Entries: SetEnvIf Remote_User "-" dontlog SetEnvIf Remote_User "^-" dontlog SetEnvIf Remote_User "^-.*$" dontlog CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/cronolog /var/log/httpd/access-log.%Y.%m.%d.log" combined...
  16. fmuquartet

    Strip Logs

    Greetings: Can someone help me with a little script that will strip LINES from my access logs that have a hyphen '-' in the 3rd position? Example data: - - [02/Jul/2008:10:28:26 -0500] "GET In this case, I want to remove all LINES in my access log that has '-' in the 3rd...
  17. fmuquartet

    Log parsing

    I tried something like, 'perl -pi -e 's/-//g' access.log, but the line contain the '-' hyphen is not being removed. So what I am wanting, is every LINE that has '-' in the 3rd position to get moved. -Thanks
  18. fmuquartet


    I am having trouble with mod_setenvif removing entries from my access logs, where remote_user is has an hyphen '-'. The idea is to filter out any requests that has '-' where remote_user is stored. Not working: SetEnvIf Remote_User "-" dontlog example of log entry: - -...
  19. fmuquartet

    Log parsing

    Greetings, I am wanting to parse my Apache access logs for and empty string that appears in the same position and remove them from my access logs as they are just noise. example: - - [02/Jul/2008:10:28:26 -0500] "GET In short I am wanting to remove all hyphen in the 3rd position...
  20. fmuquartet

    Recursively Recover Files

    Can someone give me some directions for recursively recovering files and directories within Networker? Our admins familiar with doing this from the GUI and I know there has to be a way. He selects the directories from the GUI for being restored but, not all files and sub-directories are being...

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