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Search results for query: *

  1. courtoisf

    Document Library

    I'd like to allow the users to save documents with at least basic formatting capabilities, call them back up and edit them, etc., in an ASP form. Anyone know of the best way to handle this?
  2. courtoisf

    User Controls - Multips

    This question involves Visual Studio and ASP. I have created 4 user controls in Visual Basic.NET. Each one is just a dropdownlist control that shows a list of descriptions from an SQL Server database table. For instance, one shows machine names for the user to select from. Each one works...
  3. courtoisf

    Multiple User Controls

    This question involves Visual Studio and ASP. I have created 4 user controls in Visual Basic.NET. Each one is just a dropdownlist control that shows a list of descriptions from an SQL Server database table. For instance, one shows machine names for the user to select from. Each one works...
  4. courtoisf

    None Vb Files Bundled with VB program

    Visual Basic comes with a Package and Deployment Wizard (a VB installation program) that you get at through the Start menu, the same way you can start VB itself. You can also buy something like InstallShield. Neither one picks up all dependencies all the time though, so you have to do test...
  5. courtoisf

    Combo box

    Here's an interesting approach. In larger systems, I've found there are usually a dozen or so "little" things that need to be tracked, such as what the last valid order number attempted was, or the date of the last access of a certain file. These are one-shot pieces of information...
  6. courtoisf

    How can I change the column width of FlexGrid?

    When you say it doesn't work, do you get any error messages, or does it just stay the standard width? The setting of the .colwidth property should work. If you step through the code, does the width change and then change back for some reason, or does it do nothing at all? Also, where in your...
  7. courtoisf

    Removing the first Character from a string?

    Just a caution, make sure the string is trimmed in some way if you use the "right" method, or anything that involves its length. You don't want spaces and other garbage included in your calcs. :)
  8. courtoisf


    The problem is that two rows that are the same even exist. What logical path are you following to decide whether it is the first record or the second that gets changed if they are exactly the same? And why would you NOT change the other? If there is a logical reason why only one should be...
  9. courtoisf

    Update record

    Before you spend any more time on the problem you're on, you should solve the problem it's based on. You should never, ever end up with a database table that has rows that are exactly the same, with no difference anywhere, if you plan to access and edit those records. You need to introduce...
  10. courtoisf

    Printing reports in VB

    Just some advice. This sounds like a serious system, rather than playtime. You would be best to look into a report developer like Crystal Reports. The report writers work through VB, and you collect the information in VB and pass it to a report you design. There are lots of other options...
  11. courtoisf

    Hello? I nedd a little help!

    Varnit has a good point. Although the LOAD command isn't necessary, as the SHOW will load it if it isn't already loaded, you get more options by separating the two. If you have a form that will be used a lot, you can load it during program startup and fill any combo's, etc., while the user is...
  12. courtoisf

    Centering Text in Button

    Actually, it was AdaHacker who brought up options. Bloobird has yet to confirm. Since the phrase was "with text ON it", it probably is a command button. So Bloobird, which is it?
  13. courtoisf

    Rhyming dictionary

    You can do some shortcuts to make the rhyme groups through a simple powerhouse approach. That is, by identifying certain letter/placement combinations that produce the same sounds. In the above paragraph, for instance, the "an" at the end of a word will catch "man&quot...
  14. courtoisf

    Option Buttons Help needed

    There are 2 posts for this, and the other one seems to be the "in progress" one...
  15. courtoisf

    When I make like 5 option button in

    There seems to be some confusion. If you want NO options selected, make sure the value property for all of them is False at design time, and/or set it to false using a loop like sunaj has. If you are making anything other than a survey though, you might want to reconsider. It is not...
  16. courtoisf


    Hi Robert; The problem sounds like its in the database design, if you actually do have a table with a bunch of rows that are EXACTLY the same in every column. You should never end up with that happening. There has to be some unique way to find a row, which is where Bas is coming from.
  17. courtoisf

    How do I make a simple program for customized serial numbers.

    You're probably going to want a database for something as serious as serial numbers. Is that right? If so, the answers change drastically. Back to you...
  18. courtoisf

    Count lines in a text

    Look back 3 posts.
  19. courtoisf

    Convert hexadecimal to decimal

    How about: lngMyInt = format("&h" & str8chars, "########") ?
  20. courtoisf

    Count lines in a text

    You will obviously have to test this yourself on files of different sizes, but if you take (LOF(n) + 2) / (numcharsinline + 2) it should work. For instance, if I have 30 lines of 10 characters in a file, I'll get 358 as the LOF because there are 300 characters + 29 sets of carriage...

Part and Inventory Search
