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Search results for query: *

  1. OhioSteve

    my job will not run

    I changed the logon property of the SQL Server Agent Service to my own domain account, then restarted the service. Afterwards, my job executed at the scheduled time! Then to verify my diagnosis, I switched back to "Local System Account" and restarted the service. I was disapointed when my job...
  2. OhioSteve

    my job will not run

    I have quite a bit of experience with sql but I am just starting to learn about jobs. I have created several test jobs but unfortunately they never work when I schedule them. Here are the details: 1. I am working on my own computer with a database that I created. Permissions should be no...
  3. OhioSteve

    obtain the address of a servlet

    PS: I need the real physical address not a url.
  4. OhioSteve

    obtain the address of a servlet

    From within a servlet, is it possible to learn the location of that servlet's .class file?? I suspect that one of the methods in the class GenericServlet might do this, but that's just a guess.
  5. OhioSteve

    get the URL from an HttpServletRequest

    My .jsp pages all call the post method of a servlet. Here is the method's signature: public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) My servlet needs to learn the caller's url. Several online sources suggest this approach: String url=""...
  6. OhioSteve

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

    I used Eclipse's import feature to import the .jar file to the WEB-INF/lib directory. It worked immediately! Thank you so much!
  7. OhioSteve

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

    I want my Eclipse web application to communicate with a hypersonic database. Both are on my PC. Luckily, Hypersonic offers a jdbc driver (in a .jar file) for this purpose. Unfortunately, I CANNOT get the project to notice the .jar file. So far I have tried these fixes: 1. I added a...
  8. OhioSteve

    go to a different web page

    I want to create a javascript that does two things: 1. Prints the current page. I have already learned that window.print() does this. 2. Sends the browser to a different web page. This is an inTRAnet webpage so the user won't think I'm hijacking them. What is the second line of code?
  9. OhioSteve

    kickoff script when browser closes

    Actually, it only needs to work with IE7. This is an Intranet application, and I work with the users every day.
  10. OhioSteve

    kickoff script when browser closes

    If the user simply follows a hyperlink the script should not run.
  11. OhioSteve

    kickoff script when browser closes

    onunload happens whenever the page changes. I want to run my script ONLY if the user closes the browser instance or the current browser tab.
  12. OhioSteve

    kickoff script when browser closes

    I want a script to start when either of these things happen: 1) The user closes this tab. 2) The user closes this instance of their browser. How can I do that? I found a list of javascript events(http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_events.asp). Unfortunately, I don't see anything like...
  13. OhioSteve

    console application question

    You will laugh at the simplicity of this question. I have experience with asp.net websites, and with Java applications running in a commandline environment. However, I have never done a console application using Visual Studio. Now I need to make a console application using vb.net and VS2005...
  14. OhioSteve

    a question about foreign keys

    TABLEA a_id(pk) b_id(fk) c_id(fk) TABLEB b_id(pk) TABLEC c_id(pk) VALID SAMPLE RECORDS IN TABLEA: a_id/b_id/c_id 0/NULL/0 1/NULL/1 2/17/NULL Every record in TABLEA will have NULL in either b_id or c_id. Every record in TABLEA will have a value in either b_id or c_id.
  15. OhioSteve

    a question about foreign keys

    The "many" side of a one:many relationship can be a field that allows nulls. That is quite unusual, but it is legal in SQL. Now consider this scenario: I have tableA, tableB, and tableC. TableB has a one:many relationship with tableA. That relationship is NOT mandatory. TableC has a one:many...
  16. OhioSteve

    How do I uninstall a printer??? (don't laugh so hard)

    I am an Oracle database administrator and my friends think that I know how to fix their computers. A home pc running Windows xp has had printing issues with a local printer. No LAN is involved. I decided to delete the printer using the gui and then reinstall it. Unfortunately, the icon...
  17. OhioSteve

    gridview formatting issue

    In the page load event
  18. OhioSteve

    gridview formatting issue

    One column in my gridview contains about a paragraph of text in each row. For this particular column, I need to set a fixed width and allow word wrap. I tried this syntax: If IsPostBack Then With GridView1 .DataSource = myDataView .DataBind()...
  19. OhioSteve

    My textbox ignores input.

    I have determined why my page behaved unpredictably. Normally you enclose most of the Page_Load code in “if ispostback=false”. Two days ago I intentionally omitted that structure on this page. Unfortunately, the next day I forgot about my unorthodox decision. So each time I pressed the...
  20. OhioSteve

    "Web Form Designer Generated Code"

    In VS2003, the machine cranked out dozens of lines of code whenever you created a webform. Later, you could find a placeholder labeled "Web Form Designer Generated Code". If you opened the placeholder, you could change the code. In VS2005, I see *nothing* like that. In VS2005, where can I find...

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