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Search results for query: *

  1. AidanEnos

    Creating a macro that FTP's a directory when created

    Ok, I have a server that sits on an autonomous network. When an error creates a log file and a new directory, I'd like a program to take several steps... 1. I'd like to take that directory and zip it to a self-extracting executable with the same name as the directory that was created, with...
  2. AidanEnos

    Need a simple easy script to do an SNMP check on a list

    I haven't tried anything yet so far... I was hoping for a quick simple start then I can modify... I used to be good at this but haven't done a script in 5 years, so starting from scratch is gonna be quite rusty.
  3. AidanEnos

    Need a simple easy script to do an SNMP check on a list

    Ok... logically this is what I want. I want to run a script called "SNMPCHECK_Customer_A" The script will ask for source file of the site list "site_list.txt" Then it will ask for Community string "public123" The script will ping the first entry in the list, if it responds then it will do the...
  4. AidanEnos

    My Query works but returns NOTHING please help

    yes - it won't let you choose that input mask if you don't have the field type set for date/time
  5. AidanEnos

    My Query works but returns NOTHING please help

    I added the hashes and now it says it has an invalid date format and won't let me save it. Thanks :) P.S. if this is any help I have the date format in the sourcetable is 99/99/0000;0;_
  6. AidanEnos

    My Query works but returns NOTHING please help

    All this is supposed to do is look at the HS_OrderTable and prompt for date range Between, that works fine. It's going to run from a switchboard command button "Report on users for date range" that opens OrderedUsersSummaryReport whose recordsource is this Query OrderedUsersSummaryQuery. Seems...
  7. AidanEnos

    I have a report that fits on 1/3 page landscape...

    What I am trying to accomplish long winded is this... Main Switchboard Command button On Click Opens Unbound form "CustomerIDSelect" CustomerIDSelect After Upate Opens Query "EndUserInformationQuery" This Query has all of the fields in the EndUserInformationTable - they are to be...
  8. AidanEnos

    Why can't anything I want be easy (query criteria question)

    Yes, dynamic that I want the user to select from a list in a table. I don't want to have to statically change the query list each time a new CustomerIdentifier is added - I want that added to the list based on the table.
  9. AidanEnos

    Why can't anything I want be easy (query criteria question)

    Ok, I have a report, EndUserReport - recordsource is EndUserQuery If I make the criteria [Enter CustomerIdentifier] then a data entry box will appear so the user can enter the CustomerIdentifier and that will satisfy the query and run the report. Instead of Typing the CustomerIdentifier, I'd...
  10. AidanEnos

    Checkbox quick and easy question

    ok, I have a Customer info form has Customer, Street Address, City, etc. also has Billing Street Address, Billing City, etc.. I have a check box that says "Customer Bill to" same as shipping? with the check... I want to make the code... IF CheckBox is check (not sure of how to syntax this)...
  11. AidanEnos

    DLookUp function in a macro

    My Current Macro Syntax is as below [CustomerName], =DLookUp("CustomerName","CustomersTable","CustomerIdentifier '=" & [cboList] & "'") I have continued to work on this fruitlessly - but, I have encountered an encouraging error :) I select a name from the list and I get: "Syntax Error...
  12. AidanEnos

    DLookUp function in a macro

    Ok, This should work but doesn't and driving me nuts - not even sure where it's failing!!! As I understand it, this code says... I want the CustomerName field from the CustomersTable input to the CustomerName field on the active form and I want the CustomerName from the Entry in the...
  13. AidanEnos

    =If(I knew it exactly"I wouldn't ask", so here is it)

    What is your table structure for your two tables? Maybe I'm thinking you want too much into this question - but I don't understand what you are lookign for with it. My table structure is very basic, I have a single primary key and most fields are either Number or Text. A fairly simple design...
  14. AidanEnos

    =If(I knew it exactly"I wouldn't ask", so here is it)

    Everything I do starts as straight forward and ends up in a twisted way.... Based on your advice I changed what I was designing entirely... I thouhgt I had made that clear.... My new form now looks like... top half of page is Customer info in a seperate table called CustomersTable. This...
  15. AidanEnos

    =If(I knew it exactly"I wouldn't ask", so here is it)

    YAY - progress!!!! Private Sub RefreshCustomer_Click() If Me.cbolist = "NONE" Then DoCmd.OpenForm "CustomerIdentifierInputForm", , , , acFormAdd Else DoCmd.OpenForm "CustomerIdentifierInputForm", , , "CustomerIdentifier = " & Me.cbolist, acFormEdit End If End...
  16. AidanEnos

    =If(I knew it exactly"I wouldn't ask", so here is it)

    So... It's not working, I have a combo box balled cbolist I have created an Entry in the list called "none" (the list comes from a query on "CustomersTable" and uses the field "CustomerIentifier"... but I digress. I have made a new form, it's record source is the same "CustomersTable" and has...
  17. AidanEnos

    =If(I knew it exactly"I wouldn't ask", so here is it)

    ok... I am trying something new for me here... I have a drop down list box that is populated by a column in a table - customeridentifier. (I am using customer identifier so we can make names that include abbreviated addresses "ABC_NYC") So here is my literal if statement - some cleaning up so...
  18. AidanEnos

    Open from(s) to current record

    let me just chew on that for a short while ;) P.S. I did solve my problem with a macro OpenForm GoToRecord Last couple quick parameter settings and was off to the races... but you make good points - and I did mention I was gonna check out the sub form ideas :)
  19. AidanEnos

    Open from(s) to current record

    Let me start by answering that first question... I have new customer information form which has about 40 fields for various information, I have an order entry form which has about 40 or more fields as well - finally I have a 3rd page which has primarily an expandable memo field containing...
  20. AidanEnos

    Open from(s) to current record

    I have 1 table I have 3 forms that update that table The forms are set to data entry (is there a better way to force a new record when the first form is open? - going to try making the other forms sub-forms while I wait ;o) I want to Open form 1 input my data, click a command button that Opens...

Part and Inventory Search
