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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Mizzness

    Excel 2013 / 2010 Conditional Formatting

    Matty, Try using the Protect Worksheet function. This will prevent any unnecessary changes from unauthorized users.
  2. Mizzness

    CountIf problem based on a character ?

    Loomah / Blue, Both solutions work. Thanx. To quote Skip: "There is more than one way to skin a cat." A star for both of you.
  3. Mizzness

    CountIf problem based on a character ?

    Resolved this issue via a pivot table but would like to know if there is a flaw or issue with Excel that prevents you from using the "<" or ">" characters as a reference or part of a reference in a function.
  4. Mizzness

    CountIf problem based on a character ?

    Kurupt, Maybe I wasn't clear at first. The "<" & ">" characters are part of the heading used in the criteria of the CountIf function. The CountIf function is referencing the following formula: =IF(C13<8,"<8",IF(AND(C13>7,C13<16),"8-15",IF(AND(C13>15,C13<31),"16-30",IF(C13>30,">30")))) Example...
  5. Mizzness

    CountIf problem based on a character ?

    All. I have a table using the CountIf function in Sheet1 to capture data from Sheet2. The table is setup as: Fails By Age <8 (col.K) 8-15 (col.L) 16-30 (col.M) >30 (col.N) The CountIf function works for cols. L & M but not for K & N. Is this because the criteria contains...
  6. Mizzness

    Excel - (Data Validation) ListBox Height

    Hmmm...seems strange. Why not just create a new List Box ? Based on your example I tried it and it worked fine. Have you checked the range of your list ?
  7. Mizzness

    Excel - (Data Validation) ListBox Height

    XL, Does your List Box contain all 10 items ? If so you can just resize the box by righ-clcking on the box and dragging down one of the corners.
  8. Mizzness

    Altering the Find/Replace Function

    Thanks Skip, How could I also incorporate this if the last two digits are "19" ? I.E.: 2019 should be 2020. thanx again.
  9. Mizzness

    Altering the Find/Replace Function

    All. Presently I recorded the Find/Replace function to look for any data that had "19" & to replce it with "20". Upon further review of this data (in mm/dd/yyyy format)I would like to know if there is a way to code Find/Replace so that it only looks for the first two digits of the yyyy area ...
  10. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    Exactly what I needed. Thanks Skip for all you help.
  11. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    No problem. One last thing: how do you disengage the filter to show all the data ?
  12. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    Yes. I get the following Run-time error '1004': "Unable to get the Specialcells property of the range class" Code: Sub Macro5() ' [A5].AutoFilter [A5].AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=SP*" With [A5].CurrentRegion .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count...
  13. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    Skip, The result of the custom filter gives Row 56 the starting row with data that starts with "SP". I start at row 5 because that is where my header is. If my starting row for deletion changes (which it will) how do I adjust my code ? Thanx for your help.
  14. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    All. Here is the posted code using the custom filter feature. My question is how do I adjust it to capture all rows once the filter is on when the first row changes daily ? From the code, today's data starts at row 56. Code: Rows("5:5").Select Selection.AutoFilter Selection.AutoFilter...
  15. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    Skip, 1. My original post did not state what my intention: I need the macro to take any data starting with "SP" in column "C" and deleting the row associated with it. 2. I did take out the End If & yes, the code you supplied does delete that row only. Gavin, I agree the Autofilter is easier...
  16. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    EB, I had tried that but it did not work. All the code does is highlight col.C. While that is fine, I then need the macro to take any data starting with "SP" and deleting the row associated with it.
  17. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    Skip, Thanks for the guidance but now I get a Compile Error: EndIF without block If Code: Sub macro2() ' Columns("C:C").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select If Left([c6], 2) = "SP" Then [c6].EntireRow.Delete End If End Sub Please advise.
  18. Mizzness

    Incorporating the LEFT function into Code

    All. In col.D I have some data that is identified as SP3 & SP 50. How can I incorpoarate the follwing logic into code ? =if(left(D1,2)=SP,then delete entire row. Thanx for any help & guidance.
  19. Mizzness

    Control Find or RIGHT/MID/LEFT function ?

    All. I have a set of data in date format (mm/dd/yyyy). I need the macro to find "19" & replace it with "20". Simple enough except "19" shows up in the dd section. In short, I need to change all of the data in years only from 19 to 20 while leaving the day portion alone. Control/Find changes...

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