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Search results for query: *

  1. mptwoadmin

    Cannot clone chained select problem

    Hi, I have the following script that works for the most part except the chained select. I think i have distinct id's for everything but when I add a new row the chained select fails. Can I someone lend a hand. Thank You I have add, remove, up, down, top, bottom working in the fiddle; and...
  2. mptwoadmin

    JQuery - Cloning a div and drop down menu.

    Can someone shed some light on what I am missing..I am trying to clone a select box that shows/hides div based on the value of the selection. I can get the first drop down to work and show the correct div..but when I clone a div the next select does not show the div..I am pulling my hair out...
  3. mptwoadmin

    Saving scroll bar position-How to mod script

    Sorry i am not too swift as script or Jquery. Could you exaplin how to inplement into my currently used script. Thank You
  4. mptwoadmin

    Saving scroll bar position-How to mod script

    Hi..I am using the following script to enable a scrollable table(fixed header). But with large amounts of data I cannot save my scroll bar position. Can someone please assist with how to modify script to save the scroll position on page reload. (function() { var flag=false; var tid...
  5. mptwoadmin

    Arranging Data - Start & end times Pivot

    Wow..thank you so much for the explaination..That helped so much.
  6. mptwoadmin

    Arranging Data - Start & end times Pivot

    hi sorry i did not get back sooner. I tried your qry as is and works for the data in the order it is. If I put a qualifier in such as order by or even more "tagname = 'machine5_Dat_badge'" then the qry fails. How would you modify the qry to handle when a tagname is being defined or the value...
  7. mptwoadmin

    Arranging Data - Start & end times Pivot

    Hello, Been working on arranging data below in desired format in SQL Db. DateTime TagName Value 4/19/2013 8:03:36.806 machine5_Dat_badge 63430 4/19/2013 8:04:37.368 machine4_Dat_badge 29549 4/19/2013 8:05:30.943 machine6_Dat_badge 29023 4/19/2013 8:06:10.919...
  8. mptwoadmin

    Pivot Table Issue

    Awesome thanks for everything.. Works great.. Both of you.. your qry's worked well but gmmastros's worked best for my situation..
  9. mptwoadmin

    Pivot Table Issue

    This is the expected result: if another dupe occurs in this case a dupe "#7" mn dt dt 7 3/26/2013 7:46:07 3/26/2013 7:47:49 13 3/26/2013 7:48:04 3/26/2013 7:49:57 7 3/26/2013 7:50:15 3/26/2013 7:52:11
  10. mptwoadmin

    Pivot Table Issue

    Yes it does work with and d1.mn = 14..I got the qry to work the error was on my part sorry.. But.. What I am seing is this .. When duplicate mn's occure the qry fails..How do I over come this. There will be multiple mn's. create table #dttest (dt datetime, mn integer, [stat] integer) insert...
  11. mptwoadmin

    Pivot Table Issue

    Simi you qry works well with your prefilled data.. If I need to add a parameter to view a certain "MN" I am unable.. select d1.mn, d1.dt, d2.dt from dttest d1 join dttest d2 on d1.mn =d2.mn and d1.stat <> d2.stat where d1.stat=1 and d1.mn like '%14%' <--- Adding this does not work.. any...
  12. mptwoadmin

    Pivot Table Issue

    Hi I am having difficulty today with my SQL pivot. My current data looks like this. datetime machine number status 3/26/13 7:46 14 1 3/26/13 7:47 14 0 3/26/13 7:48 13 1 3/26/13 7:49 13 0 3/26/13 7:50 7 1 3/26/13 7:52 7 0 I am attempting to format data like...
  13. mptwoadmin

    Update form from query preload?

    Hi Im trying to popluate all the input fields in my form in one shot. Is it possible to do what I am attemping to do below? I am lost on what I am doing incorrectly now? I get no errors but my form fields are not populated either.. Thank You <cfquery name="_data" datasource="db"> SELECT *...
  14. mptwoadmin

    Summing Dynamic Variables

    I think I got it...Used "Evaluate" in the second part of the equation. <cfset "dtime#right(hours.machine,2)#" = "#evaluate("dtime#right(hours.machine,2)#")#" + downtime> Thanks for the assist...It's good to talk things through with someone!
  15. mptwoadmin

    Summing Dynamic Variables

    Below is the test I am running..I removed the "underscores"...But I still receive the error "The value "dtime01" cannot be converted to a number".. The problem is probably so right in front of me but I cannot see it! <cfset dtime01 = ''> <cfset dtime02 = ''> <cfset dtime03 = ''> <cfquery...
  16. mptwoadmin

    Summing Dynamic Variables

    Sorry, not getting I guess what your trying to explain? Could you be more specific or supply an example. Thank you
  17. mptwoadmin

    Summing Dynamic Variables

    Hi could someone help me understand why the follow code is not working? <cfset Pcount1 = ''> <cfset Pcount2 = ''> <!-- Start Loop --> <cfloop index="Add" from="1" to="2"> <cfset "Pcount_#add#" = "Pcount_#add#" + #add#> <cfoutput>#evaluate("Pcount_#add#")#</cfoutput><br> </cfloop>
  18. mptwoadmin

    Update link variables with onchange?

    <script language="javascript"> function ShowMyDialog() { var obj = new Object(); obj.data1 = document.getElementById('percentage01'); obj.data2 = document.getElementById('time01'); showModalDialog('_eff_insert.cfm', obj, ''); } </script> First Select: <td>...
  19. mptwoadmin

    Update link variables with onchange?

    Hi, I would like to update "Perc" with the first select below & "Time" with the second select below :both with an OnChange event: Can i get some assistance; I am at a loss..I can get an onchange to other input fields but cannot figure this one out.. First Select: <td> <select...
  20. mptwoadmin

    Hi, I have a question regarding du

    Hi, Your qry removes all entires for 'Nov 18 2009 12:00AM'. I need all entries for '62945' to be zero'd out but machine2 on 'Nov 18 2009 12:00AM' Thank You.

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