I have a unbound form with 2 list boxes lstReq (reqdate,reqtime,vehiNO,vehistatus) & lstVehi(vehiNO,vehiavail). I need to update lstVehi(vehiavail=false) automatically (Maybe on timer event) according to the data in lstReq according to certain criteria(reqdate=date,reqtime=time,vehiNO=is...
Hi, I know this is an old thread but I hope someone will post an answer to my query. I have a table tblRequest where I have 3 fields RequiredDate VehicleNo & TeamSplit. I need to get a count in my forms code of to the selected RequiredDate and selected VehicleNo how much is the count of...
I was able to get the below code working for me. But I am receiving an error message I have to allow every time I am sending an email. Any idea how to stop that message?
Dim mailto As String
Dim ccto As String
Dim bccto As String
mailto = "Test@test.com"
ccto = ""
bccto = ""...
What would be the best way to do this then? I need to send an email on button click would really appreciate some help regarding this. I have to submit my project this Saturday.
Hi I was searching for an option to send an email on a button click. I found the following code. But I am getting a compile error when I try to run the code. Please help!!
Hi, This maybe something simple but I couldn't figure it out yet . I have a list box with two date columns (EntryDate & RequestedDate). I need the list box to show records according to both dates.
For Example
Entry 1
EntryDate 9/12/2016
RequestedDate 9/13/2016
Entry 2
EntryDate 9/13/2016...
Yeah I figured it out that plus I had spelled DrvID as DvrID and was trying to pass a string value on a number field (DrvID is a auto number) Once I figured the first part out the rest was simple. I set the WHERE parameter to the VehicleNo field and worked like a charm. Thanks for all your help...
I checked the value with a debug.print the value seems fine. It doesn't update to the new value.
I checked the SQL string as well. This too looks fine
UPDATE tblDriver SET VehicleAvailable = -1 WHERE DvrID= PA-9788 ;
Thanks for your response. I think the issue is the WHERE statement because the value is taken from the same field. I used TempVars to store that value temporarily from a textbox that is populated on a list click.
I have made a change in the structure to have only one Yes/No field...
I need to update two records of the same table (tblVehicle) during a button (cmdAssign) click. The record is selected from a list box and at the button click the currently assigned vehicle's info (vehiIn = True , vehiOut = False [Where = vehicleNo{Current}]) needs to be updated. And...
Hi I have a form in which there is a close button (cmdClose). I want the prompt to request for Discard. If yes discard and close form. If No to Set focus to previous control. And if no change close the form. I am having trouble getting this to work. Would appreciate your advice.
If Me.Dirty =...
I have a form called frmMaster. I am trying to apply a code when the form is closed mid entry or full entry, So that the user can discard the changes if necessary. I am having some trouble when the form is fully completed. It closes even though I give a vbNO option. Would appreciate some...
I realized that I hadn't defined the output.. It works fine.. Just had to set the output to false..
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "qryUser", "[UserID]=" & Me.cmbUserName.Value) And StrComp(Me.txtPassword.Value, Me.cmbUserName.Column(2), 0) = False Then
I've tried that.. But because of the timer event being used for the requering.. I am not getting what I want.. I can minimize the screen and access fine.. but I can't seem to get the maximize on restore to work.. If I don't set the timer to Empty the form doesn't minimize. But when I do the...
Tried a code like this to no effect.. Is there a mistake with my code?
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "qryUser", "[UserID]=" & Me.cmbUserName.Value) And StrComp(Me.txtPassword.Value, Me.cmbUserName.Column(2), 0) Then
I tried it with an AND function but I can't seem to get is to work. Here is what I tried out
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "qryUser", "[UserID]=" & Me.cmbUserName.Value) And StrComp(Me.txtPassword, Me.cmdUserName.Column(2),1) Then
Could you help me with the code a bit.. I would...
This is my current code for comparing passwords
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "qryUser", "[UserID]=" & Me.cmbUserName.Value) Then
But there is no case sensitive validation. Would appreciate some advise on how to add a case sensitive validation to this code.
I have a form "frmMenu" which contains a sub datasheet form called "frmDashBoard". This form opens Maximized. I have added the following code to re-query that sub data sheet as it is a live update screen.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerInterval = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()...
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