Hi all,
I had hoped to build a simple VB6 front to allow the user to pass parameters to a Crystal Report, facilitate exporting/email reports, alter the sort order etc. However, I am working with Crystal 2011 and have learned that the crviewer.dll was retired in Crystal XI. What can I use...
'Create in 2002/2003 format
Set db = CreateDatabase(CopyDatabase, dbLangGeneral, dbVersion40)
Set db = Nothing
'Converts to 2000 format
Application.ConvertAccessProject CopyDatabase, new_database, acFileFormatAccess2000
Sorted Set db = CreateDatabase(CopyDatabase, dbLangGeneral, dbVersion40)
Set db = Nothing
Application.ConvertAccessProject CopyDatabase, new_database, acFileFormatAccess2000
OK, instead I'm creating a database in 2000 format and exporting the required tables. However when I create the database using:Set db = CreateDatabase(new_database, dbLangGeneral, dbVersion40)It creates it in 2002/2003 format
I have also tried forcing the Default Format to 2000 using Set accapp...
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