Another update -- Just realized now that my error was not being caused by anything related to the integer*8 declaration or the read() function itself.
I had a minor indexing problem on the do i = 0,(9-x) within the lexicographic sorting portion of the code which simply needed to have a -1 added...
Hello mikrom,
I am using the following compiler version:
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.2.0
I am not necessarily tied down to this specific compiler, although I don't understand why a more recent version would have problems a previous version doesn't have.
Here is my entire source...
I have the following 8-byte integer defined as follows:
integer*8 :: strINT = 0
And an allocatable string defined using
character(:), allocatable :: str
str = "9876543210"
I'm trying to set the strINT variable using the read function
read(str,*) strINT
However, this gives the following...
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