going to close this thread.......
discovered a more elgant way of working:
@echo off
for /F %%i in (C:\test\inputserverfile.txt) do call :doping %%i
goto End
ping %1
if %errorlevel%==1 echo %1>>failure.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 echo %1>>success.txt
goto eof
Dear tektips,
I am trying to put together a script that will read in a list of servers from a text file and the script will then go away and ping all the servers in the list. If servers are online it will output this into a successful file and if it receives a time out it will place the servers...
Don't know if you can help me but i can't seem to even get the Exchange agents working.....
We are getting Dr Watsons when trying to start the exchange agents and also all the other agents processes are running except the agent process...
Any tips would really help!
Thanks for that when we opened up and tried to place some counters in the Performance Monitor, some of the keys had strange ascii characters!...
Problem solved....yes you are right its more of a Windows issue.
We are using NSM 3.0 and on some NT4 machines we keep on recieving problems with the performance agents. When we do a awservices status the prfagent is in a failed state. When we try to start it using prfagent start we keep on receiving a DR Watson error message. this only occurs on some...
I have also placed a Wscript.Echo statement here, and its not getting picked up....so would this mean the loop is not working correctly???
See here:
arrServers = Array("tooltmxp.")
Set dicServices = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicServices.Add "client32", "1"
Thanks for That!...It runs and completes but does not pick up my stopped services.
here's what I have currently:
arrServers = Array("tooltmxp.")
Set dicServices = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicServices.Add "client32", "1"
dicServices.Add "workstation", "1"
The script below works fine, but I still have too much information. I don't understand why the services i need to check that are listed in the: dicServices.Add "server", "1"
when all the services get listed? If i add more services to the dicServices.Add it doesn't really make a difference does...
I have tried running the script but it does not seem to run. It keeps on coming up with the following error:
C:\scheck.vbs(21, 6) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object doesn't support th
is property or method: 'dicServices.Exist'
Any Ideas?
I am sorry i have started a little debate, but i am using examples from my book and my little knowledge and trying to fuse everything together. It seems really simple in the book!!! but it only applies to one service on one machine which is useless to me...
Readthenews solution would mean i...
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strServer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = & services")
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "& services is not running."
Wscript.Echo "& services is...
thanks for that, but i think you have misunderstood me a little....the script is going to check the 10 services (all the same services) on 10 different servers....in a loop...well thats what i am trying to achieve...
If one of the services is down for examples client32 then I'll...
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