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Search results for query: *

  1. furtivevole

    Highlighting previously selected item on gridview

    Hi jbenson Thanks (belatedly) for your reply. Maybe I didn't express the requirement clearly enough. There are a lot of records, 3 sort sequences, and a 5-row deep window. I'd like to be able to make sure the selected row always remains visible in that window on postback. Thanks, vole.
  2. furtivevole

    Highlighting previously selected item on gridview

    Hi I have a gridview which includes a hidden ID field, a customer name field, and some other basic customer-related stuff. This is displayed in a panel with scrollbars at the top of the page, and the displayed columns are all sortable. The panel is 5 lines deep and so can display only a...
  3. furtivevole

    Referencing another object

    Thanks Trollacious - I've modified this to fit, but it gives the effect needed. Vole.
  4. furtivevole

    Referencing another object

    I'm attempting some asp.net pages for the first time. In one situation, I have a list of items, and need to highlight the one that currently has the cursor over it. So far, so good: <dl> <dt id="menuitem1" onmouseover="this.className='menuitem_over';"...
  5. furtivevole

    How to close a page launched from gridview hyperlink

    JMackley, you were right. For reference, this is what I put in the master page: <script type="text/javascript"> function closeme(){ window.opener = null; window.close(); } </script> Within various form pages, a linkbutton included the following property...
  6. furtivevole

    How to close a page launched from gridview hyperlink

    Hi I have just been asked to take on an existing asp.net project for the first time. In one case, the results of a search are displayed through a gridview, with one of the columns being defined as a hyperlinkfield. This launches a separate page (currently, target="_blank"). The user would like a...
  7. furtivevole

    secedit.mdb - access denied

    Hi Linney Thanks for the info - yes, I am administrator. In the interim, I'd done some more hunting and come up with Error messages when trying to install IIS components on Windows XP - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555268. In contradiction to some advice elsewhere, it seemed that you need...
  8. furtivevole

    secedit.mdb - access denied

    Sorry, should of course have read secedit.sdb.
  9. furtivevole

    secedit.mdb - access denied

    Hi On a standalone XP Pro SP3 machine, I was hoping to set up IIS. The installation asked for various .dll files which it claimed it couldn't find, though they were clearly in the given location. Googling further, (eg MS KB 894351) I followed instructions to rename/move secedit.mdb [dated about...
  10. furtivevole

    convert string data to datetime

    Hi This is a very basic question needing a quick-fix answer, as I am fairly new to T-Sql I am using a pre-existing SQLServer 2000 database including a user-defined function requiring a datetime input: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnMyFunction] (@i as int, @j as int, @CurrentDate as datetime) ...
  11. furtivevole

    Retriving XML-format data from web service with classic asp

    Hi Tsuji, You may well be right, although what I was trying to get a fix on was the reason why objXMLHTTP.responseText was accepted (and returned a text string of contents but without the XML tags) using the syntax shown, while objXMLHTTP.responseXML was rejected. Today, using either syntax...
  12. furtivevole

    Retriving XML-format data from web service with classic asp

    Hi Using classic asp, I'm trying to retrieve a string including xml tags from an intranet web server: <% Function GetHTML(strURL) Dim objXMLHTTP, strReturn Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, false objXMLHTTP.Send...
  13. furtivevole

    How to get id of selected radio button asp

    Hi Princesszea With apologies for looking at your code samples very quickly so I may have missed something, the problem lies in having > 1 radio button appearing to be checked. Are these the only group of radio's on the page? Are they uniquely named? I'm not certain what your second code...
  14. furtivevole

    Default Word 'SaveAs' folder

    I have an html page (asp & vbscript) that launches documents within an iframe. If a user wants to save a document, I would like them to have a different default SAVEAs folder from the one where the document is resident. I guess that there is something within the Word object model that would...
  15. furtivevole

    Document display with a difference

    I am using asp classic [not .net] with vbs/jscript. There is a requirement to allow users to View a pre-determined document (a) without showing the user its location and (b) allowing only a Save As... The great majority are .pdf or .doc. (The document path, based on earlier user choices, is...
  16. furtivevole

    File browse without upload

    Thanks vacunita. This does exactly what was wanted. (Not half as convoluted as some things I've ended up doing!)
  17. furtivevole

    File browse without upload

    My user wants to search the network for a file (in the context of an html form) and then store its path without immediately uploading it. Is there a way just to show a client-side browser? thanks.
  18. furtivevole

    disabled text input field posts blank on submit - Why?

    Expected behaviour... You could use a corresponding hidden field instead to carry over the 'real' data. (In possibly similar circumstances, I've simply shown the data as text rather than as a form field.)
  19. furtivevole

    Extracting full path from drive letter

    Another related example for general reference: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/scripts/default.mspx?mfr=true, navigate to Script Repository, Desktop Manager, Special Folders
  20. furtivevole

    Extracting full path from drive letter

    dm4ever, PH - thanks for your posts - much closer to what I'm after. Now need to play with both options!

Part and Inventory Search
