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  1. MikeC14081972

    Outlook Email Classification >> Titus Labs

    There's really not much more to say. We use Access to create an email in Outlook and the client has now installed Titus Lab Message Classification. I'm trying to find someone who has been faced with this scenario before and knows how to automate the email classification.
  2. MikeC14081972

    Outlook Email Classification >> Titus Labs

    Have a number of databases that generate formatted emails in outlook. Client has just installed Titus Labs for email classification. Emails default to Internal settings but I need to automated the process of changing the classification to confidential. Has anyone come across this before or...
  3. MikeC14081972

    Getting the Old path of a backend before the re-linking of FE & BE

    Just a little tip. Say you run this over a network and your mapping is N:\MyBackends\backend.mdb another user may have M:\MyBackends\backend.mdb The front end would connect on yours but not on the other users. By using the UNC path \\server\share\MayBackends\backend.mdb it doesn't matter...
  4. MikeC14081972

    Getting the Old path of a backend before the re-linking of FE & BE

    Just a small tip when using paths and linking tables Always use the full UNC path as this will allow for users who have network drives mapped differently.
  5. MikeC14081972

    copying files with filename in table

    post above please read source file as source folder. I wish you could edit posts after submitting them :)
  6. MikeC14081972

    copying files with filename in table

    You'll need to include the file extension. if you had 2 files (1 .xls and .doc) with the same name which would it move? How about looping through the files in the source file and then checking each file present against the table and then move if it matches. That way you could remove the...
  7. MikeC14081972

    Confirming FTP Completion

    I could use that except that the file now resides on an Unix server and I only have the built in windows FTP client to use and there is no command to check a file exists. I could use get and place it in another location and then check that location but this would add additional overheads to the...
  8. MikeC14081972

    Confirming FTP Completion

    Hi, I'm using Access 2007 and have a module that creates a ftp script at runtime and then executes a .bat file passing in the name of the script to run. The .bat file looks like ftp -s:{script file} {server name} The ftp script looks like {Username} {Password} cd {destination on server}...
  9. MikeC14081972

    Import files in Order of appearance

    Pass the filenames for each file in the required folder into an array and then sort the array. Below is some code I use to sort the array on DateLastModified but you will be able to eaily amend to sort the filename Dim arrFiles As Variant Dim Temp As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim fso As...
  10. MikeC14081972

    Issues Zipping Files in Access 2007

    Sorry for the late thanks Greg. I removed my wait and replaced it by using the sleep API and it all works a treat now.
  11. MikeC14081972

    Issues Zipping Files in Access 2007

    Getting closer Namespace wont recognize a string variable so change the line that errors to oApp.namespace((fpath)).CopyHere Attach(i) Code now runs through without an error. However, on looking at the zip file there are no files enclosed so the .CopyHere is working correctly. Any...
  12. MikeC14081972

    Issues Zipping Files in Access 2007

    Hi, I have been using the below code successfully for a while in Access 2003, however I'm unable to get it to run in 2007 (Code example has been cut down to save space) Function Zip(fPath, ToAttach As String) Dim oApp As Object Dim Attach As Variant Dim i As Integer CreateZip (fPath)...
  13. MikeC14081972

    Linking to a file in VBA

    Also worth thinking about using the UNC Filepath if they are stored on a network. This will resolve any issues later when users have different drive mappings.
  14. MikeC14081972

    Building Outlook Mail Body

    Not to worry guys. Have worked out a solution, like I thought, I was missing the obvious.
  15. MikeC14081972

    Building Outlook Mail Body

    Probably missing the obvious here, but here goes. I need to build a routine that will build an email in Outlook from Access 2003 based on numerous recordsets. In Lotus Notes it easy ' After setting up the mail with objNotesRTF .AddNewLine 1 .AppendText "Line 1" .AddNewLIne 1...
  16. MikeC14081972


    Sorry for the late reply, you are correct a Sub would have been better only that wasn't the final finished code. I just built that bit first to get the issue I was having resolved.
  17. MikeC14081972


    Fumei I'm **** out of luck? lol Anyway this is the solution I came up with if anyone else needs to do this. Function SortFiles(fldPath As String) Dim arrFiles As Variant Dim Temp As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim fso As FileSystemObject Dim fld As Folder Dim fle As File Dim FleCount As...
  18. MikeC14081972


    Cheers guys. As a quick and dirty solution I've passed the filename and datelastmodified into a hidden sheet and I'm then sorting on the modified date column then reading the filenames back in in the required order. Might look at passing to an array and then sorting that somehow. Can this be...
  19. MikeC14081972


    HI, Been using an old version of Excel and use the following code to loop through the files in a folder and process them in the order they were last modified. Wtih Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:\Test\" .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles If...

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