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Search results for query: *

  1. botatun

    the linked server insert data to csv in wrong order

    Hi all, I tried to import data to csv file by using linked server the data transfers but it sort by last column. .... EXEC sp_addlinkedserver N'Account', N'Jet 4.0', N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', N'C:\RexxxxlCxxxxxs\Exxxt', NULL, N'Text'; GO EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Account' GO...
  2. botatun

    What is my next step with Bronto WSDL?

    I compile them by Ant. But there were not BrontoSoapApi, BrontoSoapApiImplService, BrontoSoapApiImplServiceLocator and StringValue classes. That is my question, what else I should do to get those classes?
  3. botatun

    What is my next step with Bronto WSDL?

    I need to connect with Bronto (http://api.bronto.com/) 1. I installed Ant and Axis2 from Apache. 2. Ran wsdl2java.bat -o c:\com.bronto -uri https://api.bronto.com/v4?wsdl This is create me a sources and build.xml 3. Ran ant in com.bronto directory. It is created build directory with some...
  4. botatun

    JBuilder 2008 output path

    I used JBuilder6 and it allow me to change the output path in the project properties to any folder that I like. I used tomcat folder ==> C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Tomcat 4.1/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes. Now I want to do the same with JBuilder 2008. How to change output path? Vadim.
  5. botatun

    Problem with XML and special character

    You may try this <![CDATA[ your_text_with special characters ]]>. Vadim
  6. botatun

    Incorrect version of POI HSSF

    I've got this error when I call my class: import java.io.*; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*; public class HssfExample { public HssfExample() { try{ File f = new File("c:/workbook.xls"); f.createNewFile(); InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(f)...
  7. botatun

    Invalid DATASET responce

    Your URL uses https but I don't see any credentials being passed" Please, tell me what do you mean? I am not familiar with it. My other requests to that site work fine.
  8. botatun

    Invalid DATASET responce

    What do you mean and what i may to do?
  9. botatun

    Invalid DATASET responce

    I try to sent online request to get some data. This is what I sent: I've got a responce: If I use this string on IE, it return my data without a problem. This is how I send it: What am I doing wrong?
  10. botatun

    SQL PreCompile Fails

    TLRTim is missing on group by list You have: GROUP BY CRCTAC, OLSITE, OLEMP, OLDATE must be: GROUP BY CRCTAC, OLSITE, OLEMP, OLDATE, TlRtim
  11. botatun

    IE8 keep session variables in new instatnces

    I found that the IE8 (on Windows XP) keep the session variables, when you open new window from a the descktop, if previously opened instance was not closed. Is it any way to change settings on IE8, that will not copy session variables from the one instances to another if it start from a...
  12. botatun

    GrigBagLayout - how to make it left or right justified?

    I tried that: GridBagLayout gblConnnect = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gblConnnect); GridBagConstraints cbcConnect = new GridBagConstraints(); cbcConnect.fill = GridBagConstraints.WEST; ... gblConnnect.setConstraints(jlUser, cbcConnect); add(jlUser, cbcConnect); ...
  13. botatun

    GrigBagLayout - how to make it left or right justified?

    I used the GridBagLayout in my panel with the GridBagConstraints. All elements locates correctly, but all columns align to center, but I want to change it to left or right. How to do it? Thank you. Vadim
  14. botatun

    Submit request from JSP

    I have example of code on C# how to submit data in XML format: Imports must use POST, see sample code examples below. QueryString: https://www.sunandski.com/net/WebService.aspx?Login=rsmith@retailconcepts.cc &EncryptedPassword=4B89AE74CE7907DCB38CBBFF7712AE3BD3488D0D8BBDBE6340AD247EF64BD0B6...
  15. botatun

    SQL Call on prepared stament

    I try to call my RPG program from Excel to update file with info on spreadsheet. It works, but I hardcoded parameters for call statement. now I need to get back error message. I am not sure how to do it. This is what I have now: cmd.CommandText = "call VbLib.ITEMBSR03(?, ?)"...
  16. botatun

    Call RPG program from VBA

    I need store some data from Excel in as400 file I use this code: cmMYSQLCMD.CommandText = "call vrlib.ITEMBSR02 ("' & sAs4Param & ')" 'execute the SQL query Set rs_Update_BSR_Level = cmMYSQLCMD.Execute() It is work fine. Now I need return text message as additional parameter...
  17. botatun

    How to stop frame execution

    The front page of my site loads a lot of tables. The performance is realy bad. Tables created in frames and pass generated html code to parent main window. I added stopLoad() to my front page that close all open frames, if user click on menu option. function stopLoad() {...
  18. botatun

    How to synchronize output dir correctly?

    I already ask question about how JBuilder delete a classes from output directory, but nobody answer me. http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1361939&page=1 Now I know that it happened, because of turned on option: Synchronize output dir on project properties>java section. The way to go...
  19. botatun

    JBuilder delete imported classes

    I installed a trial version of JBuilder 2005 on my test computer. I created 2 projects: 1. Utility with class RefCls. 2. Test01 with class Call_Utility, which imported and instantiated utility.RefCls class Both projects output directory is out of JBuilder (jbproject folder) and located in...
  20. botatun

    Jbuilder 2005 delete refference classes

    I install trial version of JBuilder 2005 on my test computer. I created 2 projects: 1. Utility with class RefCls. 2. Test01 with class Call_Utility, which reference utility.RefCls Both projects output directory is out of JBuilder (jbproject folder) and located in c:\Output\classes When I...

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