I have a fairly complex query with one integer type parameter. When I run it as a prepared statement, it takes ~50 seconds to run. When I run the same statement in query analyzer, it takes less than 1 second.
My theory is that the execution plan is somehow different when it's running as a...
Actually, you can have properties that are not published as well. It is properties that allow you to use get/set functions.
As Stretchwickster mentioned, being in the published gives the property RTTI info which allows it to show up in the object inspector. It also allows you to query at...
I'm not sure the syntax for dbf files or if you can even do it, but for most databases you can use a TQuery and do something like this:
Alter table yourtablename add YourField varchar(255) null
and then to a query.ExecSQL to add a field to the table.
Good luck! TealWren
You could use the form.Canvas property which allows you to set a pen color and style, and use MoveTo and LineTo to do basic drawing.
Good luck!
To change the font with the windows API you have to create the font that you want, select it and then print your text. You can change the font height by the first parameter and the font typeface by the last parameter. More details available in your API help. :) Afterward you should always set...
Like, paint to the screen? Something like this might work:
var d: hdc;
textout(d, 1,1, 'sometext', 8);
ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, d);
What Database back end are you using?
Any text, varchar, etc. fields > 255 characters is considered a blob. Common fix for this issue is increasing the "BLOBS TO CACHE" option in the BDE. If you don't have any blobs or any fields > 255 characters this may not be the issues though...
You are really looking for each con2 in the html controls collection, so it should be something more like:
Dim Con as Control
Dim html as HtmlForm
For Each Con In Controls
If Con.GetType Is GetType(HtmlForm) Then
Dim Con2 as Control
html = con as HtmlForm
For Each Con2...
Mine's a little different than yours, but not in anything that should functionally change it I don't think.
Take a look:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main...
Are you talking about a script or a class method from another aspx.vb file?
As far as class methods:
All forms in VB.net are classes, and to call a method from another class you either need an instance of that class or the method needs to be "shared" which means it doesn't operate...
We build the treeview dynamically, and in the NavigateURL put something like this:
Another option, as mentioned in the html source for a new frameset created with visual studio, would be
3. Add a BASE target="main" element to...
You could call a javascript method that did something like this:
function LoadInFrame(url)
Then your link button could have an attribute like
There are probably a million other ways :)
Good luck...
Do you need to actually click the html url for some reason, or just redirect the current page to a new page?
To redirect your page, you can use
in C#.
I'm not sure of the syntax in vb.net but it's probably similar.
Hope this helps!
I've got some javascript functions for validating date edits, but nothing that does a mask edit. The advantage over a validator is that it's all done client side. I think validators can work client-side as well but I haven't been successfull :)
You might be better off sending e.NewPageIndex to your sub as a numeric type. All that matters is somehow you need to tell your grid what page you are on.
I have a grid with dynamic column generation that has been giving me a headache for the last couple of days! One thing I noticed, it seems...
Look at the part about Repairing the .NET Framework It may fix your problem!
Good luck!
Thanks - that works GREAT! I would have /never/ figured that out - I've already been searching the help and the internet since yesterday.
If anyone's looking for the C# equivalent, here it is:
HtmlForm html;
foreach (Control con in Controls)
if (con is HtmlForm)
html = con...
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