I am using in a webpage tables and include php function to create a webpage without frames, I want to ask how can I navigate with a navigation bar, when using frames I was target mainframe and the html file wanted to display, now what I can enter in the navigation button to change the...
I have a windowd mode directx window, I load a bmp image, I want to set the dimensions of the window to mach the dimensions of the image, where do I set this dimensions?
Thank you
...about my query, more simple?
USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
WITH OrderedOrders AS
SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) AS 'RowNumber'
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
FROM OrderedOrders
WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 50 AND 60;
thank you
...top 5 but not only for the first records but for a page of records eg from record 5 to 10, I have used this but gave me an error :
'SELECT TOP 5 * FROM scan WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT TOP 4 * id FROM scan Where id like (:aaaid))'
also would like to have a parameter to view particular records...
I am still getting the out of memory error, even I have used the adoquery with this sql string : select * from scan inner join Table1 on scan.id=Table1.id where scan.id like '+quotedstr(edit1.text) and have in the edit box the value of the primary key of the Table1 (master table), it...
I am still getting the out of memory error, even I have used the adoquery with this sql string : select * from scan inner join Table1 on scan.id=Table1.id where scan.id like '+quotedstr(edit1.text) and have in the edit box the value of the primary key of the Table1 (master table), it...
I still get the out of memory error after I navigate to 4-5 records, I have manually created the relationship with an adoquery (to move with the master and put it in a onclick event of a button record), my question is is there a buffer which holds previous records in memory and needs to be...
And a last question, how can I add an edit.text as a value in an sql string?
eg 'select * from scan inner join Table1 on scan.id_2=Table1.id Where scan.id_2="edit1.text"'
I get an error invalid column name.
thank you
I am connecting the primary key of the master and the foreign key of the detail table, yes Djangman that is what I want to do, but I found another thing the detail table which has a primary kay a foreign key and a blob field is 500 MB , has too many pictures in it has to do something with it...
here is the code
if Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Handle <> 0 then Image1.Picture.Bitmap.ReleaseHandle;
Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Handle := VSTwain1.GetCurrentImageAsHBitmap;
I want to save the current image as jpg in the sql table, how can I do it?
I have a question about a component named vintasofttwain activex, my question is how can I aquire an image and save it as jpg. Any help anyone who uses it.
Thank you
Well, it happens when I try to establish the relationship between the two tables through the 2 ado datasets, when there is no relationship the dataset becomes active but when I try to create the relationship with the master's table ado dataset I get an error "out of memory". I have no code...
Here is the details of the error, (it raises when I try to make a relationship between the master Table and the Detail which has the blob field, through the two ado datasets)
+ $13[527E409B]{adortl100.bpl} ADODB.ADODB.TCustomADODataSet.InternalSetSort (Line 5630, "adodb.pas" + 1) + $13
I have an application which connects to an sql database with ado connection and dataset. The database has blob fields when I try to load the blob field table I get an error out of memory and some times the operation continues sometimes it stops with an exception The blob field is bmp, I...
I have an application in VB .Net and would like to print a master detail database which the detail is a photo field, can you tell me the steps I have to do?
Thank you
I have created a flash intro for a webpage, my problem is that I have inserted a text with a link, a skip intro text but when I enter tareget = self it doesen't open in the same window it only works with the tarket = blank and opens the link in a new window. Any help to make it open in...
I have made a navigation bar with fireworks, I placed it in a framed page, my problem I want it to resize as the screen resolution, I entered in all the width properties value 100% and it did resize but when I pressed a navigation button it where srhinked to the original width and height...
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