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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. jpack23

    Help with Row Headers

    Hi all, I am having a problem getting my row header correct. For some reason they are repeating for each group. I dont if they are call row header or column headers but this is how my report looks orders by Person date Name...
  2. jpack23

    help with dataset xsd

    Hi, I was wondering if someone can explain or link me to a site or thread that explains how to update an xsd. I have an .net 2008 application/project (written by someone else) which uses dataset (.xsd). I need to add three fields in a table linked to one or more of these .xsd. Can I update...
  3. jpack23

    Multi-table search

    gmmastros thank you, that helps a ton.
  4. jpack23

    Multi-table search

    I would love some help with searching through Multiple tables in a database. I have a parent table which contains an Id field, a type field, and a date field....call it TableA (the type field corresponds to the child table....so typeB would refer to tableB) Then I have 10 other child...
  5. jpack23

    Help with finding a specific text inside a string

    Do i need to do the shading or bolding after I build the word document I took the entire string and inserted it into a bookmark TextIntoBookMarkInsert(InsertText:=strInsertText, wordDoc:=objwordDoc, _ wordStyle:="", bookmarkName:=bkmrkBodyText) Friend Shared Sub...
  6. jpack23

    Help with finding a specific text inside a string

    @skip Ok so instr() gives me the start and I can get the lenght of the text to shade or bold. whats next. Can I rebuild the string and when it gets to the start position of the text to be shaded, shade it for lets say 10 characters and then return finish?
  7. jpack23

    Help with finding a specific text inside a string

    @jebenson - sorry, my bad, didnt read all the rules. Thanks for the link. @skip - suppose my problem starts with trying to manipulate a string. I get the string from at dataset strComplete = dtsCompleteText.tables(0).Rows(0).Item("fldCompleteText).to string can I manipulate that dataset...
  8. jpack23

    Help with finding a specific text inside a string

    @jebenson. Is that a serious question or are you trying to be funny? Not school assignment, thanks for asking, just trying to learn @pellet - not going to be a predefined set of words. Each time the app is run its probably going to be a different set of words in a different spot in the entire...
  9. jpack23

    Help with finding a specific text inside a string

    I have a string and want to find a specific text inside that string and shade it using vb 2008 the string could be of varying lengths. code example: strComplete = "I have an apple, banana, and an orange" 'I want to shade "apple, banana" strTextToHightlight = "apple,banana" code here to...
  10. jpack23

    Help with string functions

    I have a field from a datagrid that contains employee id separated by a comma for example 2,3,22 or 22,3 or 2,3 or 2,44,104 any combination of single double or triple digits separated with a comma What I need to do is separte each of those ids one at a time and run it through a...
  11. jpack23

    Help with Distinct group or concat on multiple almost duplicate record

    Hi, Here's my problem....I have an "employee" table and an "activity" table and an "ActivityEmployeeDetail" table. one activity can have multiple employees and the details of that activity are stored in the "ActivityEmployeeDetail" one record for each employee Activity table ActivityID...
  12. jpack23

    set listview item index

    this is related to the weirdest thing with message box thread. trying to work around whatever is causing that box to pop up twice. I have a MDI parent form with a listview using an image list as icons. When a user clicks an icon a child form is loaded in the mdiparent. Is there a way to get...
  13. jpack23

    weirest thing going on with message box

    jebenson - wish it was that simple. I know about the selected index changing because I clear it, so I check a boolean variable to see if the CheckEmps has already been run, if so then code skips over the call to CheckEmps. If mbooEmpsCheck = False Then If CheckEmps() = True Then...
  14. jpack23

    weirest thing going on with message box

    The message box is in a private function Private Function CheckEmps Select Case cboxEmps Case is > 0 ''lots of code Case 0 ''more ocde Case Else If mbooskipBox = False Then If MsgBox("Please Choose Employee ", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) = MsgBoxResult.Ok...
  15. jpack23

    weirest thing going on with message box

    have a very simple okonly messag box to be displayed, but I have to click the OK button twice to make it go way. I can see if flicker on the screen like it redrawn a just after I click the ok button the first time. If I set a breakpoint on the line of code just after the message box I only...
  16. jpack23

    Help with setting a selected Item in a combobox

    Solved my problem thanks for you help
  17. jpack23

    Help with setting a selected Item in a combobox

    Thanks, that works BUT, what if I dont know what the index will be? The combobox is populated from a table that could be update and therefor change the index. The one field I will know is an ID number. How do I try to match the ids with the index? For example BtnProductA.tag = 50 (thats the...
  18. jpack23

    Help with setting a selected Item in a combobox

    I have a combobox with about 100 list items. Since it takes time to find stuff in a list of 100 items I have create a few buttons that I would like to automatically selected the proper item in the list box. For examble Product A might be #50 in the list of items in the drop down combo box...
  19. jpack23

    Help with CheckBoxList on web page

    Thanks for your help....problem solved

Part and Inventory Search
