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Search results for query: *

  1. mcowen

    Dynamically added Validation control, formview and the cancel button

    I have some classes with validation on their properties. I'm trying to associate those validation attributes into the asp.net validation controls so that if I change those classes any changes to the validation is immediately reflected on the client and the server. I've run into this when trying...
  2. mcowen

    Dynamically added Validation control, formview and the cancel button

    I've dynamically added a RequiredFieldValidator control to a textbox in a formview. The first time the page loads I can see the script block hooking up the javascript function to the control... <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var FormView1_validator2 = document.all ...
  3. mcowen

    Validation Application Block and serialisation

    Hi all Is it possible to configure a business entity on the server and to apply validation using the validation application block in such a way that the validation is available on the client when using web services? I want to configure my validation in one place. Matt
  4. mcowen

    Code access security in asp.net and web services

    I'm involved in a large .net project which is mainly asp.net. One of the requirements is to have all access to data made via web services. The reasoning I've been given for this approach is that this is more secure than a traditional website that accesses a database directly. If the web server...
  5. mcowen

    Access to Singleton via .NET Remoting

    Hi I've been trying to create an object within a Windows Service and then publish the object in the constructor of the remote object i.e within itself. I can't seem to get this to work though I can only ever publish the object within the Service object using Remoting.Configure. My Windows...
  6. mcowen

    Graphically representing a schedule of activities

    I'm looking for advice on whether Javascript would be the best approach for a problem I'm trying to solve. I want to be able to graphically represent a schedule of activities. Each activity has various properties including a name and the number of days from the previous activity and these...
  7. mcowen

    Downloading file and handling response to client

    That's exactly what I want yes. I shall have a go then. Good point well made. Unfortunately, I'm working with some legacy software that has a file download function that does not allow you to test the type of file. So every request over http would provide a file and I want a PDF only. I thought...
  8. mcowen

    Downloading file and handling response to client

    Hello, A couple of questions.... If I make a request to a aspx page and in that page I download a file from a URL, is it possible to pass that file back in the response to the client without saving it to disk on the web server? If I make a request to an ASPX page can I cancel the response...I...
  9. mcowen

    Datagrid export format problem in Excel

    Thanks for the article but cant see anything on there that indicates a difference. I run your code on clicking a button. Can't seem to find anything about this on the internet - can't believe I am the only person to get this! I am using MS Excel 2003. Dvannoy, do you have the grid cell layout...
  10. mcowen

    Datagrid export format problem in Excel

    Yes, the grid displays correctly. Each cell contains a £ as I expect e.g. £100,430.00 Matt
  11. mcowen

    Datagrid export format problem in Excel

    Thanks guys but still getting the same. I tried ca8msm's and it came back with a dialog saying it wasnt an excel file. I tried dvannoy's but no change. When you say the grid must be formatted correctly is this ok? The dataformatstring sets the currency for the locale. BoundColumn col = new...
  12. mcowen

    Datagrid export format problem in Excel

    When I export a datagrid that contains currency values (with the pound sign, £) to Excel I get £0.00. I have seen this before when transforming XSL with UTF-8 encoding so I tried iso-8859-1 but it made no difference. Does anyone know how to solve this please? Here is a snippet of my code...
  13. mcowen

    Dynamic alias

    Yes thats right but I'm also trying to get the alias to be the month i.e. a table with August 2005 to July 2006 in the column headings. It throws an error when I try and use the AS DATE_FORMAT((CURDATE() - INTERVAL 11 MONTH), '%M-%Y') Matt
  14. mcowen

    Dynamic alias

    Hi I'm trying to output the previous 12 months and have the month name as the column heading. It doesnt want to let me use a function as the alias. SELECT Department, SUM(case when Month=MONTH((CURDATE() - INTERVAL 11 MONTH)) then Total else '0' end) AS DATE_FORMAT((CURDATE() - INTERVAL 11...
  15. mcowen

    Appending XHTML to an XML document tree

    Hi, I've been wrestling with this for awhile and am surprised there isn't more on the internet about how to do this. I'm trying to post XHTML (using a wysiwyg editor called Tinymce) and then append that XHTML to an XML document tree. The main problem I keep coming up against is the use of...
  16. mcowen

    XSL nested Foreach and excluding a node

    I have a XML document with HISTORY and SCHEDULE elements. I need to iterate through the SCHEDULE elements and build a table row. For that schedule there could be 0 or many history elements that I also need to add to the table but without duplicating! <HISTORY> <DATE_INSERTED>...
  17. mcowen

    File Upload and SSL

    Cheers ca8msm, but how can I stream the data from the Web Server to the database server (this isnt ADO) as the upload takes place? There are memory management issues with ASP.NET (v1 that is I dont know about v2) that mean I cant load uploads into memory on the WS because if the memory usage...
  18. mcowen

    File Upload and SSL

    mwa's issue is what I am hunting for. The Web Server is clearly not the secure place for the file...our WS, as is usual, is outside the domain of the network where my database resides. I am trying to find a way to communicate across from the WS to my database server (via a firewall) in such a...
  19. mcowen

    Image handling

    Hi, I am working on a project that involves the uploading of images to a server for display on my site. I'm likely to have a minimum of 100,000 images a year and I have little (or no) idea how to manage them. What I would like is to show a thumbnail on the user's page with it being a link to...
  20. mcowen

    For anyone wanting to know the advantages of CSS

    FoamCow has again blessed us with his knowledge. Anyone learning CSS should read this article...skip the first 2/3... http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1098652&page=2 Matt

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